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The Masters Tournament 2010

billmac91;1688807; said:
I've never heard anything but nice things about Freddy. I just wouldn't classify him as a "street playa" b/c I heard him cuss on TV. It happens. These are grown men playing a game known for cussing. You don't think Arnie, Jack, or Gary Player were cursing?? My guess is if they had the technology then for boom mics we'd have heard a few things from them as well...

I caddied twice in tournaments in which Nicklaus played and followed him around Scioto and Muirfield Village. I never heard him say one curse word in four rounds of golf. Gary Player will actively call you out if you curse. He doesn't do it ever and he never has. It is considered to be an extremely low class thing to do in South Africa. I don't know about Palmer.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1688813; said:
Somehow I doubt we will ever see Tiger in anything but red on a championship Sunday...

I would LOVE to see Freddie put it together today, make it interesting. Here we go...

Thought Tiger just might shake it up and show that things were changing....of course the shades are fly.....

Freddie is smoooooootttthhhh.....
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Tiger's either about to implode or explode...

When he starts off this frantic, it's either a good shot that puts him into the adrenaline stage...or a very bad shot that knocks him out of contention...

...and with Phil's first hole and drive off the second tee going the way it did, I wouldn't be surprised to see Phil start knocking in daggers. I'm thinking Tiger's either going to be out of the picture by 9 or if he gets it together, he'll be nipping on the leader's heels.

My prediction right now...

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