Head Coach
in spite of the difficulty of addressing swing problems on a message board, i'd tend to agree with wingate in regards to wade's issue. how tall are you, wadc? i'm guessing you're taller than a 6-footer. in fact, i'd bet that you, wade, don't swing "behind your back" enough, which you think you're doing too much. the swing plane may be the key here. as hogan states in "five lessons," one should imagine a pane of glass that extends from the ball through the armpits to behind the body. a golfer's hands should maintain that plane or fall to just under that imaginary glass pane when the hands are behind the body. one way to achieve this better is to close the left shoulder at address. wade, your shoulders may be pointed out towards 11 o'clock. instead, the shoulders should be pointed to 12 to 1 o'clock at address. this may help you get behind your back and on plane, which should keep you from being steep on the downswing and from swinging over-the-top. sniping the ball on double-crosses should be less of an issue if this is done.Wingate1217;1728389; said:It also sounds like your swing plane might be a tad too step.
i highly recommend hogan's book that was referenced earlier. it is simple but exhaustive. the chapter on the grip should be required reading for each golfer. the detail that hogan supplies about this small yet vitally important swing competent can transform a game.