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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

Brady Hoke made a huge mistake by using his challenge on that first down call. That something you want in your pocket late. IMO that could be huge. The 1 point lead at half is huge.

If our defense shows up in the 2nd half IMO we win this game. They get the ball and we need a stop.
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ScarletnGray 33;2047225; said:
Hopefully Brionte is watching Braxton and seeing what he could play with for the next 3 years.

Though idk if I'm so big on bringing a guy to OSU that would stand on the scUM sidelines during THE Game. Also, Rod Smith is better than him.

Forget him. Get on the train or get rolled over.
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osugrad21;2047218; said:
1st half thoughts:

  • Brax--once he finds consistency...look out. Maybe he will have an offense tailored to him next year :wink:
  • Posey...different season if he did not have the extra 5 games.
  • LBs--Shazier is our best on one leg. Is Grant that far off that he can't even get some snaps?
  • Offensive playcalling has been as good as it has been all year. Solid mix and many opportunities created but not seized. The 2nd half will tell the tale as Mattison makes some adjustments...we'll see what tOSU's staff comes up with. Hopefully, Stoney is included in that...

Great points!!

To me the key is simple....EXECUTE...scUM cannot stop us, we are the only ones who stopped ourselves. Missed throws to wide open guys and penalties are the only reasons why scUM is still in the game.

Lets hope Braxton gets in a groove passing (maybe the TD to Posey will help) and no penalties or turnovers in the 2nd half and we should get out of this thing with a W...

Defense has not been on the field much in the First Half. Hopefully this will help them out down the stretch...

Here's hoping that our D can create another TO or two...


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brutus2002;2047228; said:
Brady Hoke made a huge mistake by using his challenge on that first down call. That something you want in your pocket late. IMO that could be huge. The 1 point lead at half is huge.

If our defense shows up in the 2nd half IMO we win this game. They get the ball and we need a stop.

Let's hope we can reverse our 2nd half defensive meltdowns today. Shazier being gimped is going to make that an even taller order. Time for the Moeller of the first few games to step up and make sure the D can hold it together.
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osugrad21;2047218; said:
1st half thoughts:

  • Brax--once he finds consistency...look out. Maybe he will have an offense tailored to him next year :wink:
  • Posey...different season if he did not have the extra 5 games.
  • LBs--Shazier is our best on one leg. Is Grant that far off that he can't even get some snaps?
  • Offensive playcalling has been as good as it has been all year. Solid mix and many opportunities created but not seized. The 2nd half will tell the tale as Mattison makes some adjustments...we'll see what tOSU's staff comes up with. Hopefully, Stoney is included in that...

Perhaps if Brax would've had the opportunity to practice a bit during the first 11 games he would be "siezing" more of these opportunities today. Just sayin'
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scarletngray;2047236; said:
Great points!!

To me the key is simple....EXECUTE...scUM cannot stop us, we are the only ones who stopped ourselves. Missed throws to wide open guys and penalties are the only reasons why scUM is still in the game.

Lets hope Braxton gets in a groove passing (maybe the TD to Posey will help) and no penalties or turnovers in the 2nd half and we should get out of this thing with a W...

Defense has not been on the field much in the First Half. Hopefully this will help them out down the stretch...

Here's hoping that our D can create another TO or two...



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