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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

I would like to keep seeing the pistol offet formation and get Boom going. When we go I, they have too many in the area to block. Unless Braxton is going to keep checking at the line and throwing it out to Posey, in that case keep it going.
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All that "confidence" the announcers sensed around Michigan's coaches and players is going to be trickling down their legs as this game gets late and they are in a close game or trailing. Remember how we felt late in the Cooper years, the nagging doubt and worry that started to seep into the Michigan game experience? That's what they are going to be feeling as the pressure mounts in the second half.
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ScarletnGray 33;2047225; said:
Hopefully Brionte is watching Braxton and seeing what he could play with for the next 3 years.

Though idk if I'm so big on bringing a guy to OSU that would stand on the scUM sidelines during THE Game. Also, Rod Smith is better than him.

I'm sure they thought putting him on the sideline being an 8 point favorite in "the game" was a great idea. I'm thinkin it'll backfire!!!
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The Game is about adjustments. For scUM, the difference between last year and this year is that Mattison and the Dfense have been able to adjust. As a result, their team has been able to secure second half success. I hope we press the edges on a counter run and/or reverse. Think back to the mistake counter B-saine touchdown against scUM two years ago. On defense, I think the buckeyes had more success in the 4-3 than the base nickel package. Being without shazier will hurt if he's out, but IMHO we need the bigger linebacker to shed the blocks of the large michigan oline.
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