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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

I keep forgetting that we have Posey back. I think he could be a big factor in this game. Was it just me (and it very well could be), or did it seem like he was running a TON of deep routes against PoSU? I realize he is a home run threat, but I'd like to see us utilize him in the short to intermediate passing game (i know I'm basing this off of one game), along with ALL our WR. I can remember numerous times where PoSU played a good ten yards off the line, and we never once (except the busted play to Posey) tried a quick hitter. Hopefully the coaches make the necessary adjustments and we get off to a quick start. Would love to spoil scUM's season :oh:
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MililaniBuckeye;2042806; said:
Bull. Fucking. Shit. Cinci, as one of the most elder members here, you should well remember the shock and unbearable pain of 1969, along with the 2-10-1 run under Cooper and how it much it sucked to have to suffer year after year watching those fucks walk off the field in victory. I guarantee you that they did not feel any less arrogant or self-pleased when they beat our 4-6 team in 1988, and they weren't thinking, "Oh geez, I can't wait until John Cooper builds Ohio State back up so we can have a rivalry".

Beating Michigan is always beating Michigan. Their uniforms are just as repulsive when they are 3-8 as they are when they are 11-0. The Pig House is always the Pig House. Ann Arbor has always been, still is, and always will be a whore. Don't ever fucking forget it. Fuck Michigan.

And I'd love it if Ohio State led the series, but they don't. Do I hope to see that changed? You bet. But if the bucks win the next fifty games, if Michigan collapses into Hoosierville, what will you have? Answer: A meaningless contest to end the season.

Just for the record I hated the frustration of the Cooper years, and also for the record, it's part of what made the Tressell years so special.

It's that ying and yang thing, you need both to make it complete, the joy and the sorrow.

And what about the years when the Buckeyes spoiled Michigan dreams? Like the underdog team 1955 that kept Michigan from a Rose Bowl, and spoiled Ron Kramer's (dirtiest player in the Big 10, WW Hayes) season, taunting them the whole game with "Unpack, unpack, you ain't going anywhere."http://library.osu.edu/projects/OSUvsMichigan/news/1955.htm Or laughing as Bob Lantry's kick went wide right? Or screaming with joy when Franklin was stuffed on 4th and goal from the half-yard line?

The back and forth of it is what makes it so enticing, the lack of predictability. As for arrogance, I don't see anyone here going out of their way to congratulate the fans of other teams when the Bucks lose. In victory, our players are just as loud and obnoxious as Michigan's, but we see that behavior through an "our team lens." Same goes for our fans. Put enough liquid loudmouth in Joe Buckeye and he can be a first class jerk.

Finally think about this: It is well within range of my memory that each TV season the Ohio State - Michigan game was followed immediately by the USC - UCLA game. Once UCLA went south it didn't take long for that game to cease to be on the screen. In fact it even ceased being the final game of many seasons. And just how often do you see the Cal - Stanford game? Why not? Because, though those games still matter to the players, students and fans of those teams, they don't sell outside that market, because they don't have the collision of two solid programs, year in year out.

So get pissed at me for not hating Michigan enough, what are you going to do, send me back to Vietnam?
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BuckTilIDie6;2042880; said:
I keep forgetting that we have Posey back. I think he could be a big factor in this game. Was it just me (and it very well could be), or did it seem like he was running a TON of deep routes against PoSU? I realize he is a home run threat, but I'd like to see us utilize him in the short to intermediate passing game (i know I'm basing this off of one game), along with ALL our WR. I can remember numerous times where PoSU played a good ten yards off the line, and we never once (except the busted play to Posey) tried a quick hitter. Hopefully the coaches make the necessary adjustments and we get off to a quick start. Would love to spoil scUM's season :oh:

Luckily, we actually have coaches that make adjustments this season too.

This game still makes me nervous as shit though. It seems osu has everything to gain. You guys got crazy up when the whole world predicted Wisconsin was going to roll you. I don't like seeing an underdog osu team. Plain and simple.
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cincibuck;2043015; said:
Because, though those games still matter to the players, students and fans of those teams, they don't sell outside that market, because they don't have the collision of two solid programs, year in year out.

Who gives a tinkers damn what outsiders think? Is anyone going to feel better because Mark May says something nice about OSU after they lose to scUM one year?

We'll all just have to agree to disagree but sending good karma the direction of my hated enemy isn't how my mind works.

Never forget, never forgive. I'll hate those cocksuckers with every fiber of my being until the day I die. When that day comes my kids will take it up after me (and no, neither of them will grow into one of those spineless, treacherous pieces of shit that roots for scUM just to seek attention).

Fuck M*ch*gan.
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Jaxbuck;2043034; said:
Who gives a tinkers damn what outsiders think? Is anyone going to feel better because Mark May says something nice about OSU after they lose to scUM one year?

We'll all just have to agree to disagree but sending good karma the direction of my hated enemy isn't how my mind works.

Never forget, never forgive. I'll hate those cocksuckers with every fiber of my being until the day I die. When that day comes my kids will take it up after me (and no, neither of them will grow into one of those spineless, treacherous pieces of shit that roots for scUM just to seek attention).

Fuck M*ch*gan.

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cincibuck;2043015; said:
And I'd love it if Ohio State led the series, but they don't. Do I hope to see that changed? You bet. But if the bucks win the next fifty games, if Michigan collapses into Hoosierville, what will you have? Answer: A meaningless contest to end the season.
As long as I have a breath to breath, I will always hate that fucking team, no matter how shitty they become. I enjoyed the 42-7 beatdown of DickRod clusterfuck of a team as much as I did the 42-39 win when we were #1 and #2...maybe even more so. Any time I even think about backing off my hatred of Michigan, I just remember the image of Jim Mandich being carried off the field after The Game in 1969 and any minutia of sympathy instantly disappears.

cincibuck;2043015; said:
So get pissed at me for not hating Michigan enough, what are you going to do, send me back to Vietnam?
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Fuck. Just realized yesterday that I'll miss the game due to committing to go to the UGA GA Tech game a couple of months ago... Figured it would be a night game. I don't know whether to record it and turn my phone off or to just get text updates. This is killing me.
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