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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

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gnepmatt;2042595; said:
I will.. it's nice seeing Michigan being a decent squad when the Bucks beat them.

I'd rather enjoy the 42-7 ass beating of a horrible tsun team than the honor in losing to a good one. When they are good the chances of the latter increase dramatically.

I guess people have to listen to those arrogant bastards run their manpleasers for a few years to remember, have to see a few more Hoke's and Mike's created who grow up scUM fans in Ohio just to be a fucking dick. Good times indeed.

I don't know how I've managed to survive the past 7 years with all this depressing suck coming out of AA.
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Jaxbuck;2042571; said:

A thousand times this.

If your fingers ever pecked out a "I want them to be good again for the sake of the rivalry" line then here it comes. Fucking enjoy.

Yep, really getting up for the Indiana game. There's so much on the line. They always have talent. You never know if they're beat until the final gun goes off. The history, the bowl games, the conference championship resting on the outcome. And when you win you know you've really accomplished something, a game, a memory you can hang on to and tell your grandkids, "so there the Bucks were, down six, no time outs, a minute and change on the clock, our best receiver knocked out of the game and ol' John Pont/Lee Corso/Cam Cameron/Bo McMillan standing on the side lines with a huge shit eating grin on his face, That big Hoosier D line with blood in their eyes, 96 yards to go, and then the Bucks began to drive...

You can't have The Game if half the field is shit, if the guy on the other side is barely worth the time to play the game. Give me the excitement of a game with a worthy opponent, with history to it, with memories of past deeds, of winning something that mattered.
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cincibuck;2042702; said:
Yep, really getting up for the Indiana game. There's so much on the line. They always have talent. You never know if they're beat until the final gun goes off. The history, the bowl games, the conference championship resting on the outcome. And when you win you know you've really accomplished something, a game, a memory you can hang on to and tell your grandkids, "so there the Bucks were, down six, no time outs, a minute and change on the clock, our best receiver knocked out of the game and ol' John Pont/Lee Corso/Cam Cameron/Bo McMillan standing on the side lines with a huge shit eating grin on his face, That big Hoosier D line with blood in their eyes, 96 yards to go, and then the Bucks began to drive...

You can't have The Game if half the field is shit, if the guy on the other side is barely worth the time to play the game. Give me the excitement of a game with a worthy opponent, with history to it, with memories of past deeds, of winning something that mattered.

Give me my grand kids asking "You were alive when M*ch*gan used to play football? They lost so much they quit the fucking sport before I was born."
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Jaxbuck;2042704; said:
Give me my grand kids asking "You were alive when M*ch*gan used to play football? They lost so much they quit the fucking sport before I was born."

And replace them with what Duke? Ohio U.? Furman? Youngstown State?

Aren't you among the folks who bitch because Boise State gets love for going 10 and oh against teams the Buckeyes won't schedule? What would be the difference if Michigan became a 4 and 8 team every year?

To be good, you have to play someone who is also good.
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cincibuck;2042732; said:
And replace them with what Duke? Ohio U.? Furman? Youngstown State?

Aren't you among the folks who bitch because Boise State gets love for going 10 and oh against teams the Buckeyes won't schedule? What would be the difference if Michigan became a 4 and 8 team every year?

To be good, you have to play someone who is also good.

You shut your mouth. :biggrin:
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cincibuck;2042732; said:
And replace them with what Duke? Ohio U.? Furman? Youngstown State?

Aren't you among the folks who bitch because Boise State gets love for going 10 and oh against teams the Buckeyes won't schedule? What would be the difference if Michigan became a 4 and 8 team every year?

To be good, you have to play someone who is also good.

2 huge logic leaps that are false at play here;

1) 100+ years of bad blood is going to magically disappear and people will look at scUM on par with IU. It will never happen no matter how bad scUM gets.

2) There will never be anyone else good on our schedule and that OSU is dependent on a conference rival to legitimize it's self. Patently false.

OSU rolls the B1G and wins big time OOC/Bowl games and the "to be good" part takes care of itself scUM or no scUM.
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cincibuck;2042702; said:
You can't have The Game if half the field is shit, if the guy on the other side is barely worth the time to play the game. Give me the excitement of a game with a worthy opponent, with history to it, with memories of past deeds, of winning something that mattered.

Bull. Fucking. Shit. Cinci, as one of the most elder members here, you should well remember the shock and unbearable pain of 1969, along with the 2-10-1 run under Cooper and how it much it sucked to have to suffer year after year watching those fucks walk off the field in victory. I guarantee you that they did not feel any less arrogant or self-pleased when they beat our 4-6 team in 1988, and they weren't thinking, "Oh geez, I can't wait until John Cooper builds Ohio State back up so we can have a rivalry".

Beating Michigan is always beating Michigan. Their uniforms are just as repulsive when they are 3-8 as they are when they are 11-0. The Pig House is always the Pig House. Ann Arbor has always been, still is, and always will be a whore. Don't ever fucking forget it. Fuck Michigan.
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MililaniBuckeye;2042806; said:
Bull. Fucking. Shit. Cinci, as one of the most elder members here, you should well remember the shock and unbearable pain of 1969, along with the 2-10-1 run under Cooper and how it much it sucked to have to suffer year after year watching those fucks walk off the field in victory. I guarantee you that they did not feel any less arrogant or self-pleased when they beat our 4-6 team in 1988, and they weren't thinking, "Oh geez, I can't wait until John Cooper builds Ohio State back up so we can have a rivalry".

Beating Michigan is always beating Michigan. Their uniforms are just as repulsive when they are 3-8 as they are when they are 11-0. The Pig House is always the Pig House. Ann Arbor has always been, still is, and always will be a whore. Don't ever fucking forget it. Fuck Michigan.

Fucking A right.
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