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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

Nordberg - that Thursday or later only applies if there is an instant decision by the Big Ten.
In truth the piece from Buckeyextra is instructive on a couple of points -

When did the clock start?
Consider that they have three days to submit material ..
Tressel said:
I think by Thursday we have to have everything submitted from our vantage point."
So the clock started when the Big Ten Offices opened for business on Monday and issued a statement that they were going to look into the skirmish - which I admit is surprising.
Then as was disclosed yesterday the Big Ten can take up to 3 more days to decide on what they want the schools to do - normally this consists of fines, rather than suspension of players, which they keep in the hands of the schools themselves.
So - If Thursday is the dealine for submission of data then the Big Ten's response to Ohio State and Illinois could actually come after The Game.

Moreover, as Tressel allowed yesterday, he didn't see anything coming of this that suggests he is not going to suspend anyone for The Game based upon their actions on 11/10. Considering it is his call as to whether a player is given some form or other of discipline, that should about say it all.

Nordberg;992750; said:
Looks like we will know on Thursday if any one is suspended from the scrum after the Ill game.

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Tressel won't speculate in wake of postgame scrum

So, bottom line, this makes the odds looks better and better for a full complement of players in Ann Arbor.
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SNIPER26;992771; said:
Sure it does. Gholston didn't do anything against Long last year. That, plus the fact that Schilling is terrible, makes me want Long on Gholston.
Long had some issues last game.

Either way, Heyward or Gibson will give your right side some serious issues, imo.
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I went back and watched the Wisconsin game AGAIN last night. That sack that Gibson had was a thing of beauty. It was right out of the Lawrence Taylor handbook "Pass Rushing for Dummies." :biggrin:

Hope he gets some reps this weekend. I didn't see him against Illinois, but I only watched that game once.

Either way, I think Gibson is going to be special.
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Illinios beat Ohio State last Saturday. It sucks. Championship hopes are pretty much gone.

They could give up and start looking to next year with the talent the Buckeyes are returning, but it's Michigan week. Some are even predicting the Buckeyes will come to Ann Arbor hungover. They are wrong. It's redemption time. It's time for the Buckeyes to hit like a freight train.

This game isn't about a Big Ten Championship. It's not about the Rose Bowl. This is the greatest rivalry ever. It's a mixture of hatred and respect. It's about hard hits and big plays.

Focus Buckeye's. Victory is in sight. Hit Henne and Hart with everything. Send Lloyd Carr packing. Tint the field red with Wolverine blood. This is your week. Let's let the Wolverines know that we own their house.

Lease is up bitches, it's time to move out.

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