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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

IMolestGoats;992912; said:
No more mindless than the spelling of such a simple word that is a complete & totally seperate university than the one you support. ohio ? At least add the state part to it or something. Absolutely mindless.

Roll Tide!!

Nothing wrong with the "Go Blue" bit by itself, but most non-OSU visitors around here provide some analysis and conversation regarding the actual game rather than just a post containing nothing but the school catchphrase that will surely incite some less-than-pleasant reactions. :scum4:

Now that I've gotten the unofficial pleasantries out of the way, welcome to BP. :lol:
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IMolestGoats;992912; said:
No more mindless than the spelling of such a simple word that is a complete & totally seperate university than the one you support. ohio ? At least add the state part to it or something. Absolutely mindless.

Roll Tide!!
Hey, there, sparky, would you like to show me where I've ever said "Go Ohio!" or are you just making some sort of generalized remark?

Lets be clear here, I called YOU mindless, not all Michigan fans.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;992922; said:
Hey, there, sparky, would you like to show me where I've ever said "Go Ohio!" or are you just making some sort of generalized remark?

Lets be clear here, I called YOU mindless, not all Michigan fans.

Shockingly, I must admit two guys in my wedding are scUM fans and they are knowledgeable, respectable, and likeable...(sidenote: the remainder of the wedding party consisted of born and bred Buckeyes)

I agree BKB, a few bad eggs tarnish the egg salad.
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I'm enjoying the experience of "The Game", and it is interesting to note the differences with our own rivals. Now, I am not saying anything pro or con about the different experiences, just comparing.

To old Gators like me, there is nothing better than to hate the worthless butt sniffing leg humping poodles from Georgia. Their long run of success in the 70s and 80s still remains some of my bitterest memories. There is no such thing as "class" when the WLOCP is on: you ruts, and you call a time out with fifteen seconds left to see if you can throw a Hail Mary for a meaningless padded score, and call an on-side kick, recover and yet another Hail Mary. More importantly, you expect the same, and it is considered whining to complain about it. You should take a knee on other opponents when you are ahead, but not those ass-holes. Too many memories of smelling the breath of drunk mutts barking in my face - right before the fight breaks out!

Now our jealous little brothers at FSU are not our main rival. It annoys them that we deny that we are their rival, as we do not value them that much to be our main rival. True, it is an in-state heated deal, but they will always be the secretarial college to us.

Which brings me to my point. Does the hype over (indeed labeling it) "The Game" bring too much honor to Michigan by the recognition of the importance of the game? That whole honoring thing where you judge me by the greatness of my enemy?? Since the skunk bears are the scum that they are, do such actions (for minor example, the poli-board shut down) bring too much attention to them, thereby giving them honor that they do not deserve in a left handed manner??

Here I await the instruction of my BP friends to enlighten me.:scum3:
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IMolestGoats;992951; said:
I masturbate to Pat Morita in The Karate Kid.

Luscious Asian...mmmmm.

That might be one of the most sickest things I've EVER heard.


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