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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

THEOhioState;992849; said:
Another question.

Since Herbie has had a habit of flying to where the Saturday Night game is,

where exactly will Herbie head for after Gameday in Ann Arbor is over?

You make it sound like he has a choice - like, if he wanted to, he'd stay in Ann Arbor. He flies there to do the commentary with Brent Musberger.

And I don't think he gets to stick around and watch the 12:00 game - unless it's relatively close to his 8:00 game.
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Zurp;992857; said:
You make it sound like he has a choice - like, if he wanted to, he'd stay in Ann Arbor. He flies there to do the commentary with Brent Musberger.

And I don't think he gets to stick around and watch the 12:00 game - unless it's relatively close to his 8:00 game.

What I meant to say was, which game is the 8:00 game that he and Brent are going to cover?
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THEOhioState;992861; said:
What I meant to say was, which game is the 8:00 game that he and Brent are going to cover?

Well, there is only one game scheduled for 8pm, Oklahoma at Texas Tech.

Me thinks Brent and Herbie will be calling THE Game.
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I like when they do the games... A lot of fans don't like Herbie...I can not figure that out for the life of me and A LOT of people don't like Brent... When the Bucks are losing his color can be a bit hard to swallow but I think he does his job great, but there are threads on both of these topics... but I hope we get Brent and Herbie
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SNIPER26;992771; said:
Sure it does. Gholston didn't do anything against Long last year. That, plus the fact that Schilling is terrible, makes me want Long on Gholston.

You don't get to choose. What if Heacock puts Gholston on Long's side on running downs and on Schilling's side on passing downs?

IMolestGoats;992873; said:
Go Blue!

March forth clad in blue and piss into resounding defeat!

And act like you've been there before... for surely you have.

First time I've ever wanted to give a post a GPA for what a mod left in its place.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;992894; said:
Gosh, that's some analysis you've got there. What makes this tired refrain any more exciting than "ROLL TIDE!"

Got anything to say, or you gonna just stick with the mindless stuff?

No more mindless than the spelling of such a simple word that is a complete & totally seperate university than the one you support. ohio ? At least add the state part to it or something. Absolutely mindless.

Roll Tide!!
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