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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

Jaxbuck;992330; said:
This is off the top of my head so feel free to correct me but:

A lot of people don't remember that if we win in 2003 we out-BCS the other 1 loss teams and are in the BCS championship game. It was a done deal according to all the BCS guru's.

The last time OSU and tsun played for a trip to the Rose Bowl with no NC implications was all the way back in '86. That was not for an outright B10 title however.

Before that you have to go back to '75 to have The Game decide an outright B10 title no matter who won but that had NC implications.

Now you have to go back to the 50's-60's and tsun was down then.

I think it makes a good point that when OSU and tsun are on form it usually means there are NC implications to The Game.
Hear hear! Good stats all.
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Henne and Hart? Who knows?

Playing status for The Game of Wolverines' offensive stars being kept under wraps.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ANN ARBOR, Mich. ? The third question to University of Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr on Monday (one wonders how it took that long) was about the playing status of quarterback Chad Henne and running back Mike Hart.
"Ehh," Carr hesitated. "We'll have to see on Saturday."

As Michigan and Ohio State prepare for their annual rivalry game Saturday in Michigan Stadium, one of the biggest questions surrounds seniors Henne and Hart, two four-year starters who haven't yet been on teams that have beaten Ohio State. Both have missed time this season with injuries, including parts of the Wolverines' loss to Wisconsin on Saturday.
Will they play? The answer around Michigan is about as secret as it is important, evidenced by their absence from Monday's news conference.

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Despite loss, The Game still feels the same

Big Ten Conference title will be decided for the 43rd time in 104 meetings between rival squads.

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

COLUMBUS ? Ohio State coach Jim Tressel's calm exterior might explain why his team doesn't seem to get too uptight for Michigan, but his job would be a lot tougher if his players were capable of reading his mind.
Asked Monday whether this year's game seems less pressure-packed than it was last season without a national-title bid on the line, Tressel said: "Your gut is tight from Sunday on, so, no, I guess it doesn't feel any different."

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OSU AT MICHIGAN Saturday, noon, WEWS Ch. 5
Sweet scent of roses

Tuesday, November 13, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus -- To little Dionte Johnson, the college football season ended in Pasadena, Calif.
"My father always talked about the Rose Bowl so much when I was younger, I believed that the Rose Bowl was the Super Bowl of college football," Ohio State's senior fullback said Monday. "I thought it was the last game, that whatever you played for, you played to be in the Rose Bowl. So I had this big dream of being there, of course."
His father, former Buckeyes linebacker and captain Pepper Johnson, played in the Rose Bowl once, when No. 6 Ohio State lost to Southern Cal, 20-17, on Jan. 1, 1985. Since then, the Buckeyes have returned to Pasadena only one other time, beating Arizona State, 20-17, on New Year's Day 1997. But after Saturday's loss to Illinois, Ohio State's dream scenario ends in Pasadena.

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OHIO STATE AT MICHIGAN ? Saturday, noon, WEWS Ch. 5 THE VIEW FROM ANN ARBOR Big House might be a little empty

Tuesday, November 13, 2007Mark Gillispie
Plain Dealer Reporter
Ann Arbor, Mich. -- There is an air of mystery and a quiet sense of desperation heading to this week's Big Ten championship game against Ohio State.
Will tailback Mike Hart and quarterback Chad Henne be healthy enough to play on Saturday in Michigan's "Big House"?
Will this be Lloyd Carr's swan song after 13 seasons as coach of the Wolverines?

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OSU NOTEBOOK: Bucks feel Henne, Hart will play in game
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

COLUMBUS If Michigan quarterback Chad Henne and running back Mike Hart aren?t playing Saturday against Ohio State, someone might want to tell the Buckeyes.

?Knowing the competitors those guys are, if they have a heartbeat, they?re going to be out there,? Ohio State running back Chris ?Beanie? Wells said.

Henne left Saturday?s loss to Wisconsin because of a recurring shoulder injury. Hart has battled a leg injury all season. Both returned for their senior season instead of entering the NFL Draft a year early because they wanted to beat Ohio State. That?s something Michigan hasn?t done the last three years, and five out of six since Jim Tressel took over at Ohio State.

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Barton remains quiet about rival
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
By Todd Porter

COLUMBUS In Kirk Barton?s right hand was a gallon jug of water. Ohio State?s big right tackle wanted something in his mouth to help keep his foot out of it during Michigan week media interviews.

He should have brought a pillow. Barton bit, and swallowed hard a couple of times. Usually when the subject of Michigan running back Mike Hart?s comments after last year?s 42-39 OSU win came up.

Hart said the Wolverines would have won that game nine times if they played 10. He said he would return for his senior season because he wasn?t leaving Michigan never having tasted a win over the Buckeyes.

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Article published Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Will Hart, Henne play? Carr won't say


ANN ARBOR - The broken record continued to play at the University of Michigan regarding the status of Chad Henne and Mike Hart. Still fighting lingering injuries, both are questionable to play against Ohio State on Saturday with an outright Big Ten championship and a Rose Bowl bid up for grabs. Michigan coach Lloyd Carr played coy with the media at his weekly press conference yesterday when addressing Henne and Hart's status. Asked if they would play, Carr responded, "We'll have to see on Saturday." Henne and Hart were not among six Wolverine players who attended yesterday's press conference, and both declined to speak with reporters after Saturday's loss.

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Buckeyes moving forward

Jim Naveau | [email protected] - 11.13.2007

COLUMBUS ? Ohio State?s Kirk Barton couldn?t wipe the slate clean. He could write on it, though.
Barton, one of Ohio State?s captains, has gone out of his way to keep the Buckeyes from being too deflated by their 28-21 loss to Illinois last Saturday, heading into their annual rivalry game against Michigan on Saturday.
That loss to the Illini knocked Ohio State from No. 1 to No. 7 in the Bowl Championship Series standings, making its chances of getting to the national championship game a longshot. Before last Saturday, all the Buckeyes had to do was keep winning and they were headed to New Orleans for the title game.
Linebacker James Laurinaitis said on Monday that Barton delivered a message to the team the day after the loss to Illinois by writing it on a board in the locker room.
?He said, ?It doesn?t matter what our record is. Don?t think about what bowl game you have a possibility of going to. Don?t think about anything like that. The only thing that matters is this Saturday,? ? Laurinaitis said.
Coach Jim Tressel and OSU?s players were all hitting that same theme on Monday.

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Time to move on to The Game
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer

COLUMBUS -- Just like that, the dynamic of the entire season has changed. One loss to Illinois has dropped Ohio State from national title contender to a team suddenly full of doubts.

A win over Michigan, and most of the wrongs get righted. A Big Ten title and Rose Bowl appearance isn't the same as the national championship, but it's not all that terrible of a consolation prize.

A loss on Saturday, however, and suddenly the Buckeyes end the year with two-straight losses, which could be enough to plummet all the way to the Outback Bowl.

''Our whole season is riding on this game,'' cornerback Malcolm Jenkins said. ''If we win, we win the Big Ten, go to the Rose Bowl. If we lose, we don't get any part of the Big Ten, we just become another Ohio State team. Nothing will be special about the 2007 team. This game is THE game of the season.''

The last time Ohio State lost a game, it also meant a blown opportunity at the national championship. Back then, the players had all winter, spring and summer to sulk and pout about a missed opportunity. By the time they reported for fall camp, the wounds were still there, but most everyone was at least ready to move on.

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Michigan: Next question, please ...
Carr won't say if Hart, Henne are healthy enough to play against Ohio State
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:41 AM
By Shawn Mitchell

The Columbus Dispatch

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Michigan coach Lloyd Carr did not have much to say about Mike Hart and Chad Henne yesterday. He was nice enough to pay a compliment to the Wolverines' running back and quarterback, referring to the pair as "everything a coach could want" and praising their decision to forgo the NFL for another season at Michigan.
But he was not nice enough to oblige reporters' requests for information about their lingering injuries. Henne (right shoulder) played only two series during a 37-21 loss at Wisconsin on Saturday. Hart (right ankle) did not play.
Will they play against Ohio State?

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Bob Hunter commentary: Honesty not best policy week of The Game

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:47 AM
By Bob Hunter


Jim Tressel practically made crusty old Coach Curmudgeon, Michigan football grump Lloyd Carr, sound like Mr. Sunshine, a guy he'd like to spend the summer fishing with in an isolated outpost in northern Ontario. One of the leaders of the conference. Great coach. Great wisdom. Outstanding man. With a little more time, the Ohio State coach might have turned Carr into the spiritual leader of the free world and his Michigan squad into the best three-loss team in college football history. Tressel did manage to use his limited time with the media to say that Carr is "extraordinary," Michigan running back Mike Hart is a "fierce competitor" and quarterback Chad Henne is "a good one" now and destined to be one at the next level.

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