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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

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The Traitor;992277; said:
Does anyone know when the last time The Game was for the Big Ten Championship straight up with no national implications involved? We saw what it's like to play on the largest of stages for the highest of stakes last year. I wonder when was the last time it was this personal, just a pure, brutal grudge match. Plus I'm reading somethings to the effect that while the winner is guaranteed the Rose Bowl the loser may be stuck with the Champps Sports Bowl. Now that kind of bitter pill should really bring out the killer edge in all the coaches and players and really draw the animosity of this rivalry into clear focus.
Well, in 2003 both UM and OSU came in with one Big Ten loss, and Michigan won the Big Ten outright by winning, so the same would have been true for OSU. That was also the year of the three-way deal between Oklahoma, LSU, and USC, with all three undefeated at the time of the Game. Pretty close scenario to this one.

I don't see how the loser would end up in the C****s S****s Bowl though....it's almost certainly the C*****l O** Bowl for the loser, unless OSU gets picked for a BCS at-large bid (very possible). That bowl must be doing backflips. They haven't gotten Michigan since 2002 or OSU since 1995. They'll jump at the chance not to have Wisconsin for the third year in a row. Illinois does now own the tiebreaker over OSU (assuming they beat Northwestern, and they will), but screw it, the C-O Bowl is not taking Illinois over OSU.
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Well fellas, my one piece of advice is that this game has a way of making a prophet a fool..........and likewise. I've said this previously, I certainly expect this one to be a tight ballgame.........especially in what I expect to be Carr's last game in Ann Arbor.
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HailToMichigan;992309; said:
Well, in 2003 both UM and OSU came in with one Big Ten loss, and Michigan won the Big Ten outright by winning, so the same would have been true for OSU. That was also the year of the three-way deal between Oklahoma, LSU, and USC, with all three undefeated at the time of the Game. Pretty close scenario to this one.

I don't see how the loser would end up in the C****s S****s Bowl though....it's almost certainly the C*****l O** Bowl for the loser, unless OSU gets picked for a BCS at-large bid (very possible). That bowl must be doing backflips. They haven't gotten Michigan since 2002 or OSU since 1995. They'll jump at the chance not to have Wisconsin for the third year in a row. Illinois does now own the tiebreaker over OSU (assuming they beat Northwestern, and they will), but screw it, the C-O Bowl is not taking Illinois over OSU.

This is off the top of my head so feel free to correct me but:

A lot of people don't remember that if we win in 2003 we out-BCS the other 1 loss teams and are in the BCS championship game. It was a done deal according to all the BCS guru's.

The last time OSU and tsun played for a trip to the Rose Bowl with no NC implications was all the way back in '86. That was not for an outright B10 title however.

Before that you have to go back to '75 to have The Game decide an outright B10 title no matter who won but that had NC implications.

Now you have to go back to the 50's-60's and tsun was down then.

I think it makes a good point that when OSU and tsun are on form it usually means there are NC implications to The Game.
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THEOhioState;992359; said:
Where did you hear this?

I actually had a very small thought that maybe Gameday MIGHT be heading to Death Valley for B.C./Clemson!

Clemson fans, unlike scUM fans, are LOUD, Raucous, and have actually beaten 1-AA opponents.

I'm really starting to wonder about you. Why the hell would Gameday go to the meaningless BC-Clemson game, when they could go to a game that determines the outcome of the Big Ten title and is the BEST rivalry in sports
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