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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

Best Buckeye;992198; said:
Vanna is over 50 years old and has saggy boobs :tongue2:

You are so right, and yet I'd still like to buy her bowel....

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Does anyone know when the last time The Game was for the Big Ten Championship straight up with no national implications involved? We saw what it's like to play on the largest of stages for the highest of stakes last year. I wonder when was the last time it was this personal, just a pure, brutal grudge match. Plus I'm reading somethings to the effect that while the winner is guaranteed the Rose Bowl the loser may be stuck with the Champps Sports Bowl. Now that kind of bitter pill should really bring out the killer edge in all the coaches and players and really draw the animosity of this rivalry into clear focus.
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