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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)


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I have the greatest respect for Bo Schembechler. The greatest respect. But, with all due respect, without Woody, Bo would not be Bo.

Today is about both of them and neither of them would give any quarter. We need this crowd to be loud today. We need home field advantage. We need the spirit of this guy on the field too.

If an era ends with this game, then end it for this man.


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Steve19;664918; said:
I have the greatest respect for Bo Schembechler. The greatest respect. But, with all due respect, without Woody, Bo would not be Bo.

Today is about both of them and neither of them would give any quarter. We need this crowd to be loud today. We need home field advantage. We need the spirit of this guy on the field too.

If an era ends with this game, then end it for this man.


Absolutely ! earlier I was watching on tv and they were extolling the virtues of Bo. If you didn't watch the start you would have thought they were talking about Woody.

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Leaving to go watch the game... sorry I'm stuck up here in TSUN but we have a good party group. about 50-50 Red vs Blue (Scarlet vs Blue)/

One local radio guy in Detroit (Clarence Black of WDFN) was trying to make a lame-assed point an hour ago... saying, "just think, there is no other program like Michigan that is without scandal.... NO scandals in the michigan program..... Ohio State can't say that!"

bla bla

So some guy calls in and says, what about Arrington three weeks ago and what about etc. etc. .... then the guy retreats and says well when you have 18 to 22 year olds thrust into the college atmosphere.... and starts making excuses for UM.

And yesterday, a bookie named Sterling, on some Detroit station saying how many OSU kids have been arrested....

Well, it's chicken shit and it's grasping for something to hold onto when Tressel and crew sends them all to defeat again.

Go Buckeyes!!! Do it for Bo, for Woody, and for the coach that WILL eclipse them all eventually, JT
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UpNorthBuckeye;664922; said:
Leaving to go watch the game... sorry I'm stuck up here in TSUN but we have a good party group. about 50-50 Red vs Blue (Scarlet vs Blue)/

One local radio guy in Detroit (Clarence Black of WDFN) was trying to make a lame-assed point an hour ago... saying, "just think, there is no other program like Michigan that is without scandal.... NO scandals in the michigan program..... Ohio State can't say that!"

bla bla

So some guy calls in and says, what about Arrington three weeks ago and what about etc. etc. .... then the guy retreats and says well when you have 18 to 22 year olds thrust into the college atmosphere.... and starts making excuses for UM.

And yesterday, a bookie named Sterling, on some Detroit station saying how many OSU kids have been arrested....

Well, it's chicken shit and it's grasping for something to hold onto when Tressel and crew sends them all to defeat again.

Go Buckeyes!!! Do it for Bo, for Woody, and for the coach that WILL eclipse them all eventually, JT

Yeah, and how about that national championship basketball team of theirs in years back!

Methinks it is the fear in their hearts that speaks!
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