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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

corsro picks tsun

How ironic is that?

What is Corso's record on his "mascot" picks?

Another thought I had that also carries some irony, in 1969 Bo beat Woody ia an upset and later Woody said to Bo that he'd never win a bigger game.

Was Bo's passing his last shot to vault tsun over our beloved Buckeye's? and prove Woody he had another game bigger than 1969 up his sleeve?

He's a wiley old SOB but God love em for tryin...

But this is our year Bo.

Maybe next year, RIP.
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k_stone_69;664862; said:
How ironic is that?

What is Corso's record on his "mascot" picks?

Was Bo's passing his last shot to vault tsun over our beloved Buckeye's? and prove Woody he had another game bigger than 1969 up his sleeve?

He's a wiley old SOB but God love em for tryin...

But this is our year Bo. Maybe next year, RIP.

Corso's pick is the kiss of death.

God loves us all and chooses a time of death for us in all His mercy. Perhaps we'll see the wisdom of that later this evening.
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ESPN is reporting that a group of TSUN supporters are watching The Game in Johannesburg...


We're getting some friends on that right now...
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