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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

Paul Warfield at The Game!


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Steve19;664924; said:
Yeah, and how about that national championship basketball team of theirs in years back!

Methinks it is the fear in their hearts that speaks!
I have NEVER heard or seen anyone from tsun say ANYTHING about tsun criminal/athletes. What a bunch of hippocrites.
Wow , I can't believe how wound up I am getting.
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Abraham Lincoln;664363; said:
1. Of course it will be. Not to take away from Bo's life, but do you really think some drunk 20 year old is going to care either way?

2. No, they won't

Actually they already announed that they will be changing their name. Their performance at Hate Week was their last as the Dead Schembechlers.
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Does anyone know what time the game actually starts? the pre-pregame show ends at 330 then the ABC real pregame starts.
I am looking for one of the absolute best ball games I have ever watched.

Cmon Game

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