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The former Presidents for usernames.

WH Harrison;611769; said:
Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of the government. I wish them carried out. I ask nothing more.

Of course I will. I have nothing in mind but the Whig party and America's best interests in mind, and...

WH Harrison;611769; said:

And it's about time! I'm so SICK of "Tyler too", "Tyler too". Now it's Tyler, and ONLY TYLER! Y'all hear me?!

*Chugs a flask of hard cider*
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Oh for the love of poop...

How long have you two shitdicks been doing this dance?

Jesus H Christ.....

John. Billy Henry didn't die. He didn't die the last time you two did this shit, and he didn't die the time before that, and before that and before that... He's just FUCKING WITH YOU.


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Harrison's dead and I will tell you why. You see, I've got this theory clled "global warming". It's quite interesting. It makes it the average temperature incrase. As a result, poor Willy didn't think he needed to wear a coat. Oops. Also, the warmer temperatures create a more tropical climate in which precipitation increases. As a result of the lack of coat and the rain, he caught pneumonia and died. You see?

Fucking GOP, always fuckin' the environment and shit, yo.
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Can someone please explain the meaning of this?

The former Presidents...09-19-2006 02:26 PMtibor75you got beat, loser

I dare say this Tibor75 fellow is not familiar with the Chicago Daily Tribune.
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