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The former Presidents for usernames.

GeorgeWashington;611634; said:
Well, nobody wanted to tell you this, but its that fucking square head of yours...it scares the hell out of the ladies and nobody gets any ass.

You know what they say. The personality traits that get you elected president also get you laid.
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Albert Gore said:
I'm with you, Tommy. Damned dirty cheats!

By the by, if Boy George Dubya shows up, let him know I'm waiting for him at the bike racks. I'm gonna whup him!

High five my brothah!

You know I got your back with the Dubya situation.

George, you're saying it's my square head that keeps YOU from getting some ass? Ohhh fuck man.... look in the fucking mirror. Your fucked up shitty wig-do makes Abe's mole look like a beauty mark. And the wood teeth aint helpin.
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Thomas E. Dewey;611651; said:
George, you're saying it's my square head that keeps YOU from getting some ass? Ohhh fuck man.... look in the fucking mirror. Your fucked up shitty wig-do makes Abe's mole look like a beauty mark. And the wood teeth aint helpin.

However, I am THE MAN, Numero Uno, the original, on the dollar bill, yada, yada, yada...

I could wash my face with a cheese grater and still get more ass than you could ever dream of getting.

Now, wannabe, go get me my coffee and maybe I'll give you a discount on a White House tour, bitch.
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