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The former Presidents for usernames.

George W. Bush;612285; said:
Wow! Brazil is big!

By the way, all of you and your precious Buckeyes are now also in the Axis of Evil. Don't mess with Texas!

Too late, cowboy. Now hush up, or I'll annex you again.

Chester Arthur said:
John. Billy Henry didn't die. He didn't die the last time you two did this shit, and he didn't die the time before that, and before that and before that... He's just FUCKING WITH YOU.

Aw, for the love of...

I mean, hey, that's great news. I'll still call in the doctors for a good old fashioned snake bite bleeding to make sure you recover, Bill.
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Albert Gore said:
Harrison's dead and I will tell you why. You see, I've got this theory clled "global warming". It's quite interesting. It makes it the average temperature incrase. As a result, poor Willy didn't think he needed to wear a coat. Oops. Also, the warmer temperatures create a more tropical climate in which precipitation increases. As a result of the lack of coat and the rain, he caught pneumonia and died. You see?

Fucking GOP, always fuckin' the environment and shit, yo.

Come Al, if you are smart enough to invent the internet then I think you can slove this problem. Here is an idea use some of your own money, and your billionaire buddies money to fix it.

By the way,what did I just say, I just want soem Jelly Beans.

Umm, Jelly Beans, . . . . . . . . where am I.

Nancy, where are my Jelly Beans.
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Bobby Kennedy;612561; said:
Dick, I believe you're parked in my space. It should be me in this club, not you. We all know who would've won that election.

Big brother, what do you say we have some Tom Collinses and tag team an actress?

Ah you two didn't bed a spy again did you? I'll go ahead and call in the Cold Orange. Dead actress in the Lincoln Bedroom.
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Yo, yo, yo...

Keepin it real, yo.

Any of you mothah fuckahs wanna get funky with dis Sushi chic?

Hey.. why aint you come here ahn feel up des whiskers.

Oh.. no you dit-int.. Jack, you best be backin off. I'll bus you up so fas you be thinking Oswald be hittin like that bitch Michael Jackson.
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