Here are some helpful definitions
Evolution - change over time in one or more traits or characteristics.
Natural Selection - the propensity for better adapted biological traits or characteristics to prosper in the face of specific or changing environmental conditions.
Hypothesis (In Scientific Method) - A proposed model or explanation explaining observed fact, data or phenomena.
Test (In Scientific Method) - A proposed means by which one can test the robustness of a hypothetical model or explanation
Evaluation of Hypothesis / Test (In Scientific Method) - Measuring the merit of an hypothesis using the results from a test of the same, or determining the rigor of a test employed to determine the merits of an hypothesis
Refinement (In Scientific Method) - Improving the merits of an hypothesis based on rigorous testing, or defining an improved test with higher merit to test an existing or proposed hypothesis
Law (In Science) - a means to predict behavior or outcome congruent with observed fact.
In Science Laws are neither hypotheses nor tests. They differ from the former in that they will not explain (tell you why) something happens. They are didactic, input provides output algorithms or equations. Laws provide powerful predictive tools for engineers and scientists.
Theories in science are arrived at by testing hypotheses.
So what does all the above mean for Creationism?
Till creationism can submit itself to rigorous scientific testing it cannot claim the mantle of a theory. Frankly, given it's inability to submit to rigorous scientific testing, it cannot even claim the label of hypothesis. It is a belief. This makes it no different from other untestable beliefs, most of which are commonly called religion.
I have absolutely no problem with folks wanting to believe in a 6,000 year old earth (or whatever the current figure might be) none whatsoever. Believe what you want, it is, for now, a free country.
Just do not demand that your belief that creation is the explanation be placed on equal footing with Science in school settings - be part of the curriculum taught alongside Evolution. You want that kind of thing then take your kid to a parochial school, where they teach the original faith-based version, complete with great pictures penned (sometimes) by medieval monks.