I’ve said it from day fucking 1.....u cancel OOC games and focus on an 8 game season, in conference only.
That way conferences can solely focus on their own members and create alternative plans if something happens “in house”.
The feedback I’m hearing is humiliating. Conferences (including the Big 10) just plowing ahead “hoping” things get better.
it’s asinine. OOC games are a disaster this year.....it’s not complicated. Why is it taking this long to save the season? Greed????? It’s sick.
These guys are going to blow up entire season over (4) OOC games.
My most current opinion is reinforced by an athletic board member at Iowa...so TIFWIW. I didn’t need his feedback to feel the way I do tho.......common sense is just really hard to find anywhere in 2020.
Too much money involved.
Public vs Private positions... you're mistaking limited Public info for nothing happening behind closed doors.
Take USNA for example... it took them until a couple weeks ago to officially cancel the Ireland trip. But the students were banned by Pentagon from leaving the country since March, with a lift date long after that game.
I think they were waiting for their AD (infamous money grubber) and Notre Dame to reach obvious conclusions before an announcement.
There's furious work going on behind the scenes... see #1.
B1G and Ohio State will figure something out.
I think this is more likely to come crashing apart w/ SEC and L10 at this point... FL, LA, TX all spiking massively... and still seem to think it's a farce.
IL has been the ongoing concern in B1G, but that small spike (compared to FL) has subsided since May.
NE' active cases are plummeting...
And sure enough, they cancelled OOC as many suspected.
re: "could be"
if only people were responsible enough to do the things in march, april, may, june, and july to accomplish the things that could be done in october...
The economy isn't any more capable of letting a grocery store worker take 2wks - 1mo off and survive than it was this time last year.
Politicians could have changed that, but decided to enrich themselves and their donors... unemployment skyrockets w/ Wall St... hope a lot of people are waking up to the reality of this "free market capitalism" scam (while the Politicians hand out Trillions to their buddies).
sure, we'll know more, but we've been in this "it's gonna get better in a few weeks" mode for how long now? might be time to take a view that is beyond a few inches in front of our nose.
Not trying to quote all your posts... you just post the interesting things...
Anyway... I mean, it has subsided for all of the 1st world. Except US. American Exceptionalism proving true in a way a lot of people don't want to admit.
All I see is anti-Trumpers blaming him and people who don't wear masks... but the issue long predates Trump. It's systemic. Biden can't and won't fix it either. Nor will Pelosi or Schumer or McConnell or Ryan or any of these schmucks.
Labor and Public Health policy matters.
Any American that's voted for Clintons, Bushs, Trumps, Obama, etc. is responsible for this... that's basically all of us.
But nobody wants to face that music... BlueShirts just blame RedShirts, and RedShirts cry about their imaginary "free market" and "rights" (while simultaneously decrying the protests for rights...)
Anyway, back to listening to RATM and my exit plan.