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Texas 13, Nebraska 12 (final)

Maybe TCU should play Bama no matter if Texas wins. If the Horns can't handle the blackshirts they're going to have a helluva time with the Tide.

Utah beat Bama last year and TCU gave away their game versus the Utes last year.
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Jaxbuck;1614187; said:
If everyone really did wait until the end of today's games to vote the Bama RB should be a unanimous selection.

The running back at Stanford should get a few votes, too. He had more yards and TDs than Ingram while playing for a lesser team.

As for Tebow and McCoy, I think not.
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Jake;1614192; said:
The running back at Stanford should get a few votes, too. He had more yards and TDs than Ingram.

As for Tebow and McCoy, I think not.

My bad, the effects of the CBS brainwashing haven't completely worn off. I complete forgot him.
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