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Texas 13, Nebraska 12 (final)

Nebraska Gets a First Down, Temperature Rapidly dropping in Hell
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3074326;1614207; said:
This is probably the most boring important game I've ever seen.
:lol: This thread puts up a perfect mirror to the game. One-third of it gives directions to the best drinking establishments in Southern England. One-third focusses on who should really win the Heisman. One-third is all about how Nebraska's O is an Ugly bag, filled with mostly water . There's a sprinkling of Pellini prognostication.

Then you've got the actual discussion of the play-by-play.
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Jaxbuck;1614139; said:
IMO there is absolutely no reason why NU can't go back to an offensive system like they used to run. Hell, as long as you play defense behind it you could do well with the RR offense or any of these system offenses that allow you to succeed without having to beat UF/Texas/USC/OSU's of the world for 5 star offensive talent.

I really feel like in CFB the slot dot, spread offense craze has run its course and we are going to start seeing teams return to power running again. Not over night and I think you will still have to spread people out with formations (not back to the Power I just yet) but running is still the surest way to win in football and I think the pendulum is starting to swing back to it.

I dunno, maybe not but it feels that way.

The biggest reason why they can't go back to what they used to do so quickly, is that Callahan completely undermined their system. Nebraska used to get quality Nebraska players who ran the option from the time they were in pee wee football, up to their senior year in high school. They had the best walk on program in the country, and Callahan ended it, when he brought in his west coast offense. Pellini seems to be bringing it back, but after 4 years, it isn't going to materialize overnight. Nebraska was never really based on getting 5 star recruits from out of state - those players were just a bonus that came from the success of building an incredible in-state system in what is basically the middle of nowhere. Not many 5 star recruits from Miami, Texas or California really dream about going to spend 4 years in Lincoln Nebraska, playing a system of offense that will score a ton of points but provide them with zero chance of playing in the NFL.
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Woody1968;1614228; said:
This is like watching a Buckeye game with no emotional attachment to either of the teams. If our offense was inept, that is.

Quoted for truth (well even I will admit our offense is a little better than this). :wink2:
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