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Texas 13, Nebraska 12 (final)

sandgk;1614247; said:
where's that only mostly dead jpeg from the Princess Bride when you need it?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GrYNaaYSjs]YouTube - He's Only Mostly Dead (Princess Bride)[/ame]
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Dryden;1614255; said:
Am I the only person that is slightly disturbed that Nebraska has two mascots: A metrosexual cowboy that vaguely resembles Woody from Toy Story, and a big inflatable doll that looks like a child?

I hadn't seen them on national TV in so long I had forgotten.
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[quote='BusNative;161426;1]Eff. Silly me... wait, is that even possible?[/quote]

i dont think becuz a fg is only wirth 3 and a td is 7

EDIT: LOL at the returner falling at the 1. This could get interesting.

Although his knee was never down.
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