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Texas 13, Nebraska 12 (final)

Evan;1614064; said:
I'm in the same boat


The UC situation trumps all for me on this one. I was still trying to wish them well today until one of my cousins called up running his suck. Fuck em now, I am 100% against anything good happening to that program again.

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On Pellini's future prospects: Much really depends on his ability to build a complete team. After all, when he went from LSU to Nebraska the sum of it was like this; Great motivator - he was a past favorite, among the then players, to be retained after Solich's ouster. Superb Defensive coach, simply superb - and he certainly has lived up to that billing, dragging the Blackshirts out of the mire and returning them to their historical position of dominance. Lastly, there was a huge question mark over his ability to lure top-flight talent - on the offensive side of the ball.

In all fairness, till he demonstrates the ability to fulfil that last, essential, job requirement - by rebuilding a still moribund Nebraska Offense - he should expect no urgent calls to go anywhere except the NFL, as a Defensive Co-ordinator.
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