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Texas 13, Nebraska 12 (final)

I'll say it:

I think Cinci has a better chance vs Bama than Texas, if only because Bama might take Cincy a little easier and show up unprepared.

Texas has not impressed me this year at all, tonight certainly included.
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sandgk;1614089; said:
On Pellini's future prospects: Much really depends on his ability to build a complete team. After all, when he went from LSU to Nebraska the sum of it was like this; Great motivator - he was a past favorite, among the then players, to be retained after Solich's ouster. Superb Defensive coach, simply superb - and he certainly has lived up to that billing, dragging the Blackshirts out of the mire and returning them to their historical position of dominance. Lastly, there was a huge question mark over his ability to lure top-flight talent - on the offensive side of the ball.

In all fairness, till he demonstrates the ability to fulfil that last, essential, job requirement - by rebuilding a still moribund Nebraska Offense - he should expect no urgent calls to go anywhere except the NFL, as a Defensive Co-ordinator.

IMO there is absolutely no reason why NU can't go back to an offensive system like they used to run. Hell, as long as you play defense behind it you could do well with the RR offense or any of these system offenses that allow you to succeed without having to beat UF/Texas/USC/OSU's of the world for 5 star offensive talent.

I really feel like in CFB the slot dot, spread offense craze has run its course and we are going to start seeing teams return to power running again. Not over night and I think you will still have to spread people out with formations (not back to the Power I just yet) but running is still the surest way to win in football and I think the pendulum is starting to swing back to it.

I dunno, maybe not but it feels that way.
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xcrunner;1614133; said:
I'll say it:

I think Cinci has a better chance vs Bama than Texas, if only because Bama might take Cincy a little easier and show up unprepared.

Bama would rush for about 400 yards and their DBs can actually cover, unlike Pitt's, so it would be a blowout even worse than Cinci's Orange Bowl last year.

Bama was down for their Sugar Bowl last year. They won't be down for the NC game.
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Jaxbuck;1614139; said:
IMO there is absolutely no reason why NU can't go back to an offensive system like they used to run. Hell, as long as you play defense behind it you could do well with the RR offense or any of these system offenses that allow you to succeed without having to beat UF/Texas/USC/OSU's of the world for 5 star offensive talent.
I absolutely agree that a sound, well run, unflashy offense can marry well with the kind of Defenses Pellini can make. My point isn't that he needs 5 stars on Offense, it is that he needs quality - something they currently lack. Pellini's done everything else right. There is just that one missing piece on his resume.
I really feel like in CFB the slot dot, spread offense craze has run its course and we are going to start seeing teams return to power running again. Not over night and I think you will still have to spread people out with formations (not back to the Power I just yet) but running is still the surest way to win in football and I think the pendulum is starting to swing back to it.

I dunno, maybe not but it feels that way.
Maybe it has, which would be good in some ways. But, that's a subject for an entirely different discussion.
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