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TE Jake Stoneburner (Official Thread)

It would not surprise me one bit if Jake were our receiving leader in the Miami game next week, at least for catches, not necessarily yardage. He was our most consistent open target, and has the size and speed to be close to uncover-able. Last night, Pryor could have hit him up for probably 2 more catches.
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Meet a Buckeye: Jake Stoneburner
Friday, September 17, 2010
By Ken Gordon
The Columbus Dispatch


Now that Ohio State is actually throwing to its tight ends, redshirt sophomore Jake Stoneburner is hoping he can turn some heads and make it to the NFL.

If not, though, the Dublin native has a practical backup plan for a career in financial planning. And if that doesn't work out, maybe he can become a movie critic, since he sees them all _ and we mean ALL:

Q: What's it like going to school so close to home?

A: I love it, because as an area kid, you have a lot of fans who root for kids around here to do well. It adds pressure, because more people know who you are. But it's good, and it's good to be able to go home and see your family anytime you want.

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OSU notebook: Stoneburner in the mix
Tight end has TD, five receptions
Sunday, September 19, 2010
By Ken Gordon and Tim May

Jake Stoneburner was thrilled that, for once, it was the opposing team that forgot about him, rather than his own coaches.

The preseason rumor - that this year, Ohio State would throw to its tight ends, really and truly - now appears to be reality.

The first sign came when Stoneburner caught three passes in the opener. But that was just a warm-up for yesterday, when the sophomore from Dublin caught five passes for 61 yards and a touchdown in Ohio State's 43-7 win over Ohio.

The catches were a career high, and the touchdown was his first at OSU. The 5-yard connection came in the second quarter, when Ohio blitzed quarterback Terrelle Pryor, who threw to an open Stoneburner in the end zone.

"I figured I might be able to get it, because the way (the Bobcats) are playing," Stoneburner said. "They just forgot about me, and it was an easy pass and a catch."

Stoneburner now has nine catches for 110 yards this year, which would be about two months of production for past OSU tight ends. Last season, starter Jake Ballard had 14 catches in 13 games.


Stoneburner produces

At this rate, this year’s tight end is going to surpass the total of last year’s tight end by month’s end.

Sophomore Jake Stoneburner caught five passes for 61 yards on Saturday. He now has nine receptions for 110 yards through three games. Last year’s starting tight end Jake Ballard caught 14 balls all season, and Stoneburner has 10 games (including a bowl game) to pass that.

“It feels good to know what we were doing all camp wasn’t just talk,” Stoneburner said. “I’m happy to be out there making plays. I hope it keeps continuing all season.”

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Through 3 games, the Ohio State TE is tied for 11th in receptions, is 13th in receiving yards, and tied for 7th in TDs. If there were such thing as a college fantasy football that includes TEs :wink:, Jake would be the 13th best option at this point.

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BuckeyeNation27;1777616; said:
Through 3 games, the Ohio State TE is tied for 11th in receptions, is 13th in receiving yards, and tied for 7th in TDs. If there were such thing as a college fantasy football that includes TEs :wink:, Jake would be the 13th best option at this point.


Round 11:
3. MD Buckeye- Jake Stoneburner, TE, The Ohio State University Buckeyes

:banger: :banger: :banger: :banger:
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