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TE Jake Stoneburner (Official Thread)

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OSU notebook: Stoneburner not likely to play
Friday, October 1, 2010
By Ken Gordon

Ohio State will almost certainly be without its third-leading receiver Saturday at Illinois.

Coach Jim Tressel yesterday said that the sprained right ankle suffered by tight end Jake Stoneburner last week against Eastern Michigan has not improved as much as hoped.

"He's done his movement stuff with the trainers, but he hasn't done the football things that we'd hoped he might do (Wednesday)," Tressel said. "Now, we've seen miraculous changes on Thursdays, but if we were leaving at this moment, he wouldn't (play)."

Stoneburner has caught nine passes for 110 yards and a touchdown, despite missing nearly all of last week's game. He trails only Dane Sanzenbacher (20 catches) and DeVier Posey (15).

Tressel said Reid Fragel will start in Stoneburner's place. The sophomore has caught three passes for 31 yards.

"Reid has been coming along," Tressel said. "He's going to be a good player."

The issue becomes depth, as Tressel said he believes Ohio State is two deep at tight end. The third and fourth tight ends - Ricky Crawford and Spencer Smith - are mostly scout-team players and probably not ready for extensive action.

In short yardage or goal-line situations, Tressel said the Buckeyes may opt to use an extra offensive lineman.

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Tight end Jake Stoneburner may or may not be back this week after sitting out the Illinois game with an ankle injury he suffered against Eastern Michigan. Tressel previously said that kind of injury usually takes at least eight days to heal. Today, Tressel called it an eight- to 21-day injury. He said the Buckeyes have to see how Stoneburner does today and Wednesday and they should have a better idea by Thursday.

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Excerpt from a longer, general article:

Although Schwartz has been a contributing member on offense this season, he likely would not have been a part of the game plan offensively against Indiana. Jake Stoneburner, however, certainly would have been.
Jake Stoneburner
Photo by Dan Harker

The tight end from Dublin Coffman was hoping to make his return this week after missing the conference opener at Illinois with an ankle injury, but Tressel said it will take a miracle for him to see the field against Indiana.

"I don't think he'll be ready to go," Tressel said.
"He's very close. In my mind, he just hasn't done enough whacking or pushing off. Unless we get some miracle or big jump, I don't think he'll be with us this week."

Tight ends coach John Peterson said that Stoneburner had a good day of practice Wednesday and that Thursday would be the big day for him. The Buckeyes haven't practiced yet today, but Peterson said this afternoon that Stoneburner was in the quarterbacks meeting this morning and it sounds like his ankle still isn't quite ready for all football activities.
"He's moving around good and catching routes and all that stuff," Tressel said.

"I just don't know if that collision is something we're ready for."
If nothing changes, sophomore Reid Fragel will be the first-team tight end for the second-straight game.

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It sounded like Stoneburner was close to being ready to go last week, but he did not dress against Indiana. And after missing two straight games with the ankle sprain, however, Stoneburner is being called ?probable? for the game at Wisconsin.

?He was back doing individual drills on Sunday night. I'm told that he's probable, but that was said cautiously with let's see how he does banging into people a little bit today,? Tressel said of Stoneburner, who has nine catches for 110 yards and a touchdown this season.

?So I think we'll have a little better idea after today.?

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