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TE J.T. Moore (Official Thread)


Bourbon, Bow Ties and Baseball Hats
Staff member
BP Recruiting Team
'10 OH DE J.T. Moore

Rivals Profile
Scout Profile
ScoutingOhio Film and Bio



Boardman (OH) Boardman HS

Height: 6-foot-3
Weight: 225 lbs.

The staff is aware of Moore...
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wadc45;1084330; said:
Also a standout on the Boardman basketball team...more info as it becomes available.

Rivals Profile
Scout Profile
ScoutingOhio Film and Bio



Youngstown (OH) Boardman

Height: 6-foot-3
Weight: 225 lbs.

The staff is aware of Moore...

What uniform is that?
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osugrad21;1188387; said:
BN$--Junior DE Thinking About Another OSU Visit

J.T. may camp at tOSU and Michigan State. He says tOSU is his first choice right now.

As a BP veteran, I know I should know this, and I know it was on the test.... BUT

I can't recall it, and it's been a long day, so...

When can these kids verbal? (As opposed to "when can staff offer") With the momentum from this recruiting season carrying over, staff will be (read:is) all over these '10 kids...

am I getting way too far ahead of myself?
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schwab;1188461; said:
As a BP veteran, I know I should know this, and I know it was on the test.... BUT

I can't recall it, and it's been a long day, so...

When can these kids verbal? (As opposed to "when can staff offer") With the momentum from this recruiting season carrying over, staff will be (read:is) all over these '10 kids...

am I getting way too far ahead of myself?
IIRC, they can verbal anytime they want to, and the staff can make a verbal offer anytime they want to... but they can't send a written offer until September 1st of their junior year.
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According to Bucknuts, The bucks are closing in on their first commit. If the picture is correct it could be JT Moore from Boardman (I'm not premium, so this is all research and logic based) Also according to the Boardman roster I found, he has switched from 40 to 50. If we have any Boardman fans, could you confirm this one, again, mine is all research based, not seen in the flesh.
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kanton;1188871; said:
I believe Moore is trying to take down '10 North Canton Hoover RB Eric Howard in that picture.

Yes, that is correct.

Moore, Linsley, and the rest of the Boardman Spartans are coming to North Canton to play Hoover on September 26th. If Howard does indeed get his offer, that could make for 3 future Buckeyes on the field at once. I'll be there for sure.
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