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Tay"LLLL"or "LLLL"ewan (douchebag)

except it appears that gibbons kicked in a game three days after the investigation was reopened. maybe michigan's administration didn't want to ruin anyone's weekend, so they didn't tell Hoke that one of his players was being investigated for sexual assault until the following monday.
I don't what UM's policy is on playing players during an investigation, but if Hoke did know it had been reopened and still let him play vs Iowa, then that's shitty on a personal level.
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Ah, the "It isn't just us. Look at everybody else doing it," defense. Isn't that one of the ones the Pedsters have tried?

Numerous studies, including this one would seem to indicate that rape/sexual assault by on college campuses is hardly limited to Michigan, nor is the failure of most college administrations to do anything about it, or in a timely manner, limited to Ann Arbor.

In the case of athletes committing, or being accused of committing sexual assault is equally impressive and wide spread: Penn State, Florida State, Notre Dame, Navy, Colorado, Yale, Heidelberg(!)... http://pwrfwd.net/2013/12/02/updated-a-list-of-college-football-rape-cases/
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As much as I'd like to run the big bus on Hoke over this one, based on what we have to go on right now there really isn't anything to get riled up about in regards to the fat oaf.

He couldn't come out and say anything directly about what was really going on with Gibbons so he made some "family matters" bullshit up. That's really not a lie in my mind just the closest thing to an artful dodge a very simple mind was capable of at the time.

I do however question the direction of his moral compass if he was appraised of the situation internally and allowed those two pieces of shit to still be associated with the team and university. To be fair now, his moral compass could be way out of whack given the distortion of the gravitational fields caused by his excessive mass.

So "what did Hoke know and when" tempered by the realization that "know" for Hoke means something different than it means for people with an IQ over 80, is my general stance at this point. Meanwhile, Gibbons and Lewan need to be in jail getting ass fucked by a biker gang asap.
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As much as I'd like to run the big bus on Hoke over this one, based on what we have to go on right now there really isn't anything to get riled up about in regards to the fat oaf.

He couldn't come out and say anything directly about what was really going on with Gibbons so he made some "family matters" bull[Mark May] up. That's really not a lie in my mind just the closest thing to an artful dodge a very simple mind was capable of at the time.

I do however question the direction of his moral compass if he was appraised of the situation internally and allowed those two pieces of [Mark May] to still be associated with the team and university. To be fair now, his moral compass could be way out of whack given the distortion of the gravitational fields caused by his excessive mass.

So "what did Hoke know and when" tempered by the realization that "know" for Hoke means something different than it means for people with an IQ over 80, is my general stance at this point. Meanwhile, Gibbons and Lewan need to be in jail getting ass fucked by a biker gang asap.

the only thing known right now is that the investigation was reopened 3 days before the Iowa game, in which Gibbons played. What is speculation is whether or not Hoke knew said investigation had begun. Given that Gibbons was shut down thereafter under false pretenses means Hoke knew at some point. But, it's a pretty had story to swallow that a sexual assault investigation involving one of his players was ongoing and he wasn't notified about it immediately. So, one can either assert that Hoke didn't know and once he found out Gibbons was sent out to pasture. Or, he did know, and didn't want to turn to a freshman kicker on one day's practice in a must win game. Given Hoke's handling of the situation post Iowa game, and his track record of "discipline" or lack thereof during his tenure at Michigan, you can draw your own conclusions.
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NFL draft: 50 facts you need to know

5. Prior to the 2013 season, Michigan OT Taylor Lewan and several teammates bought a teacup pig (which they named Dr. Hamlet III) on Craigslist for $250. After two weeks, they had to send the pet packing because he had trouble walking on the hardwood floors inside Lewan’s house.


Taylor Lewan ✔ @TaylorLewan77

the wait is over and everyone's dreams can now come true We purchased a PIG! Introducing Dr. Hamlet III
9:26 AM - 28 May 2013

Entire article: http://nfl.si.com/2014/05/02/2014-nfl-draft-50-facts/?xid=si_topstories

Two comments here:
1. Fixed it for you Lewan..."the wait is over and everyone's WET dreams can now come true We purchased a PIG!". Is anyone really that surprised Lewan would buy a $250 pet pig? The other Ann Arbor pigs (i.e. scUM cheerleaders) probably all turned him down for dates.:rofl:
2. Thanks S/I, I really needed to know that.:roll1:
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Apparently, Lewan's ex-girlfriend is corroborating the victim's story that Lewan punched a man on Dec. 1. According to her, "Taylor is lying."


Right on cue, people on mgoblog rush to Lewan's defense:

He was a two time All-American....I guess people are just upset that The Team sucks and they feel the need to make excuses. The guy was an awesome player, went in the 1st round of the draft, was by all accounts a great team leader, and a likeable guy (unless you are an OSU fan or a MSU Spartan D-Lineman).

My only question is how far in the sand does your head have to be in order to type something like that? :lol:
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Especially when she's the sister of your teammate...
  • :slappy:

If Lewan has shown Michigan fans anything, it was that he was not the great teammate some people try to make him out to be. Most fans on boards I read are pretty sick of him and are glad he's gone. You never know who really has real info, but I've read many reports of poor locker room leadership, only caring about his own personal play on the field, and being unlikable.

But you know, message board fodder is what it is. You believe what you want. Personally, I'm glad he and his drive killing holding/personal foul penalties are gone.
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