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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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GeorgiaBuck2;1829054; said:
I really appreciate all of the Hog fans coming on here and being so gracious and pleasant to have conversations with. I'm glad we get to play your great team in the Sugar this year and look forward to a great game.

Indeed. That play, to RB Ronnie Wingo, has been money all year.
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SloopyHangOn;1829084; said:

Just no.

Pig Sooie is THE most annoying bullshit in the history of college football. [/discussion] :wink2:

Man, I don't know about that... I'd love to see an "Annoying Playoff", with Arkansas Pig Sooie matching up against USC's Tribute to Troy, and Florida States' War Chant up against Boomer Sooner.

Winners square off against The Victors and Notre Dame's Fight Song in the final four.
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Losthog;1829168; said:
I am here to ease the transition for your fan base into yet another loss to the SEC by the hottest team in college football right now. the Arkansas Razorbacks.

Go Hogs!
Hey, pal, here's some advice - act like you've been there before. Oh, wait - you haven't.

You know, here's some perspective from Buckeye fan - this game is nice, but we've been there, done that. We've got seven recognized national championships, 35 Big Ten championships, 8 BCS bowl appearances (5 wins, including the 2002 championship game), plus all sorts of individual hardware (for example, seven Heisman trophies - you heard of that one yet?). If we lose to all y'all on January 4th, then so be it ... we'll be back next year, and the year after that, and a couple dozen more times in my lifetime (and I'm 45 years old already).

I know that you're probably pretty excited being on the big stage for the first time, but really, give us just a little respect, okay?
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Losthog;1829168; said:
I am here to ease the transition for your fan base into yet another loss to the SEC by the hottest team in college football right now. the Arkansas Razorbacks.

Go Hogs!

Don't think your even the hottest team in your own conference

Last time I checked 13 straight wins (14 going back to last season) **** 6 straight wins
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Hog fan, Hope Im in the right place...


There are way to many weeks between the last game of the season and the bowl game and in that time I would like to learn more about the buckeyes. I must say I don't know much about the buckeyes except what I see from seeing a few of your games this year.

So I have a lot to learn. I hope this will be a good place for discussion.

One thing I would like to know about is your QB. I remember TP's recruitment and he was going to be the next big thing (like cam newton but less well paid). It seems to me he has been up and down. Big games and then bad interceptions. What is the book on him?

I have heard the comentators talk up your D. Arkansas has faced some good D this year. How would you say you stack up to bama or LSU on that front?
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Hottest team in football:


Not hottest team in football:

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friar tusk;1829183; said:

There are way to many weeks between the last game of the season and the bowl game and in that time I would like to learn more about the buckeyes. I must say I don't know much about the buckeyes except what I see from seeing a few of your games this year.

So I have a lot to learn. I hope this will be a good place for discussion.

One thing I would like to know about is your QB. I remember TP's recruitment and he was going to be the next big thing (like cam newton but less well paid). It seems to me he has been up and down. Big games and then bad interceptions. What is the book on him?

His transition from an athlete to a prototypical QB is nearly complete. He'll probably never match the expectations placed upon him; however, since those are unrealistic... he's more than likely going to end up as the greatest QB to ever play at tOSU.

I have heard the comentators talk up your D. Arkansas has faced some good D this year. How would you say you stack up to bama or LSU on that front?

Not something I can really comment on.
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Fratteries;1829138; said:
Also, you OSU fans making the trip to Nola will having bleeding ears from hearing our Hog Call. But out of respect to us don't make fun of it. It's a tradition dating back to the 1920's and if you make fun of it to someone to their face in Nola prepare for some words. Just a fair warning :)

It's ok....before the game even starts, you'll learn to spell O-H-I-O :tongue2:
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