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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Hogtropolis;1828967; said:
Even after saying all that, I'll agree that Iowa is a good team. I don't know that I'm sold on Penn St. though. I was able to watch two of their games this year and wasn't very impressed by either one. They really have no offense. Iowa was a good team that just seemed bipolar. They could be great at one point and be their own worst enemy at other times. They were an odd case this year.

Were any of the Penn State games you saw in November? They're offense jump started in their last 4 games.

Amassing 423 YPG and 28 PPG (with two of those games against stout defenses)
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Fratteries;1829058; said:
I have a couple questions also! How well does your Greek life travel? I know at least 80 guys in my fraternity are making the trip as is every other one of our fraternities. I know your fans travel VERY well so I'm sure your Greeks do too.

Greek life is not a huge thing at OSU. I believe it's only about 6% of the school's undergrad body. Yes, at ~48k undergrads, that means there are a lot of frats and big ones at that, but I don't think you'll notice the frats standing out from the general student population.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the OSU winter quater starts January 3rd. Combining that with the fact that this isn't a national title game and it's expensive as hell to get to and stay in New Orleans, and I wouldn't anticipate a large student contingent past those who have tickets.
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Hello Buckeye Fans,

I am an old school Razorback - Alumni from the mid 70's so I have some years of history. First I want to send much respect to your program, one that has a long history of excellence and lethal competitors. All the years we were in the old Southwest Conference playing Texas and the like watching your team thinking how cool it would be to get to play Ohio State..

So here I sit 50+ years young and I will finally get the opportunity to see our two teams collide. Our history has been one of a team that might not win the big ones when we should but one thing was for sure, you would know you had been in a battle when it was over.

I am looking forward to this game for many reasons. Of course I hope we can win this thing and I feel we have a great chance of doing it. I will not beat my chest or act a fool, I will simply say I hope it is a good clean game - No injuries - No questionable calls - Minimal mistakes for both teams - No drama, just a good hard fought battle with the best team that day coming out on top.

Excited about our first meeting...

God Bless America,
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KingLeon;1829031; said:
Thank you for the information. What kind of sets do you guys like to run?

You'll most likely see a little bit of everything. We're very flexible in what kind of offense we can run. It will depend what Petrino sees in the defense. We'll do everything from 5 wide, to Power I. We run a lot of 2 and 3 WR sets and are at our best when we're able to get our Tight End involved consistently.

We've had some issues with play action against fast defenses, they've gotten into the backfield before the play has developed and sacked Mallett and killed some drives. Our line has being doing better lately though.

Thankfully it wasn't an issue against LSU, but we have had a lot of false start penalties this year that have come at costly times. Mallett audibles a lot based on how he's seeing the defense and it has caused OT Ray Dominguez(#73) to get happy feet quite a bit. Hopefully that issue will be resolved by the time we get to the bowl game.

Like several posters have mentioned, I too am concerned about being able to contain Pryor. We've been gashed several times by QB's that are able to run it up the middle and convert on 3rd and short. I know Pryor is fast and can hurt you when the play breaks down, but how is he on designed QB runs on 3rd and short-medium? Mississippi State's QB killed us with his ability to consistently pick up 2-4 yards right up the gut. Hopefully our D-coordinator can come up with a plan to stop this or I foresee Ohio State having some very long, time-consuming demoralizing drives.
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I think huge keys for us in this game are t.o.p and our running game. Boom Herron has played better as the season went along and if we can chew up yards, clock, and keep ark's o on the sideline, we win. I'm looking forward to our d getting some rest and hope we can return some players. A huge loss is moeller I wish he could play in this game. Best of luck to both teams! Can't wait until January 4th!!! :oh:
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kchogfan;1829005; said:
Just a couple of thoughts.... when we "call the Hogs" you will see and hear one of the most distinctive traditions in all of college football! It isn't anywhere close to being obnoxious like the Oklahoma band playing "Boomer sooner" after every 3 yard gain or the truly offensive and never ending chant of Florida State Seminoles.


Just no.

Pig Sooie is THE most annoying bullshit in the history of college football. [/discussion] :wink2:
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Some film on the two strong return men, Jordan Hall 7 & Jaamal Berry 4

3:03, 5:20, 8:20, 13:33 minute marks (yes this game also shows how bad OSU was in kick coverage before Bell returned)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cgZUj6qqDA"]YouTube - 2010 Ohio State Vs Miami (Florida) Football (Highlights)[/ame]

1:34 mark

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq-QyD1G8Vg"]YouTube - Ohio State at Minnesota 2010 Highlights (Week 9)[/ame]

and now the best OSU video editor out there (and as good as any I've seen)

2:00 mark

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-PWVM-Rkc"]YouTube - Ohio State vs. Michigan 2010 Highlight Video[/ame]

another view, 1:52

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SfNnBj0Ec8"]YouTube - 2010 Michigan - Ohio State Highlights[/ame]

These two do not have Ted Ginn's speed, but their balance and agility makes them very dangerous with the ball in their hands. Jordan Hall is also the #2 RB. Brandon Saine is listed at #2, but he is more of an ATH they move around the offense. Mismatch at WR & dangerous in motion, but not a very effective downhill runner.
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Coqui;1829063; said:
Were any of the Penn State games you saw in November? They're offense jump started in their last 4 games.

Amassing 423 YPG and 28 PPG (with two of those games against stout defenses)
No. I watched the Bama game and the Iowa game. They scored 3 in each game. Both were against good defenses, but they couldn't do anything in either game. Something must have clicked if they started scoring more than that, but that was two of the worst offensive productions I've seen in a while. They just didn't have a competent QB.
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No. I watched the Bama game and the Iowa game. They scored 3 in each game. Both were against good defenses, but they couldn't do anything in either game. Something must have clicked if they started scoring more than that, but that was two of the worst offensive productions I've seen in a while. They just didn't have a competent QB.
Yup, they had a raw, true freshman QB. There's a reason Paterno had never started one before in an opener. (or was that period?)

Bolden got hurt late in October, when Matt McGloin took over. His first start was Oct 30 and didn't look back.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVjNAeN7dr4"]YouTube - Michigan 2010 Highlights[/ame]

Big upgrade in consistency. He wasn't great, but managed the game very well.

PSU & LSU have a lot of similarities most years. LSU is definitely a cut above this year (though PSU was the last few years), but both are generally defined by physical, nasty defenses, average to mediocre QBs, and a physical style of offense.
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Arkansas fans have made many mini-Cam comparisons for Pryor. Their height, build, athleticism, skillset and improvisation skills are very similar.

Cameron is a very tough, physical runner, where Pryor is a bit softer and protects himself against contact. He will occasionally lower his shoulder and always brings a wicked stiff arm and very tough body to tackle, but their running styles in traffic are very different.

Pryor also came to Ohio State to become a complete, NFL quarterback. He could've gone to Oregon or Michigan and put up outrageous yards like those two dynamic QBs, but he wanted to become a well rounded QB, knowing that was his only sure ticket to being drafted at QB. He arrived as raw as any QB prospect in america, and is still taking two steps forward, one step back on his path to becoming a well-rounded QB. That path has taken longer than many impulsive fans and media types have hoped, but the progress has been noticeable.

There are good and bad sides to this. The bad side is that he is sometimes reluctant to run, often looking to buy time for a pass and keeping his eyes downfield. Where Cam, Denard or Darron would make 1 maybe 2 reads and bolt, he is often scanning for more targets. He has improved in this area as much as his passing, but he will still have a few times where he lingers a bit too long when he needs to tuck it and go.

One very nice wrinkle he has added more prominently in the past few weeks is the Denard style playaction pass, where he takes off upfield in a pseudo scramble but throws at the last second to a target down the seam. This has made life more difficult on opposing defenses.

Newton is a more decisive runner & passer, but Pryor is a more accurate passer, imo.
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HogFan77;1829078; said:
You'll most likely see a little bit of everything. We're very flexible in what kind of offense we can run. It will depend what Petrino sees in the defense. We'll do everything from 5 wide, to Power I. We run a lot of 2 and 3 WR sets and are at our best when we're able to get our Tight End involved consistently.

We've had some issues with play action against fast defenses, they've gotten into the backfield before the play has developed and sacked Mallett and killed some drives. Our line has being doing better lately though.

Thankfully it wasn't an issue against LSU, but we have had a lot of false start penalties this year that have come at costly times. Mallett audibles a lot based on how he's seeing the defense and it has caused OT Ray Dominguez(#73) to get happy feet quite a bit. Hopefully that issue will be resolved by the time we get to the bowl game.

Like several posters have mentioned, I too am concerned about being able to contain Pryor. We've been gashed several times by QB's that are able to run it up the middle and convert on 3rd and short. I know Pryor is fast and can hurt you when the play breaks down, but how is he on designed QB runs on 3rd and short-medium? Mississippi State's QB killed us with his ability to consistently pick up 2-4 yards right up the gut. Hopefully our D-coordinator can come up with a plan to stop this or I foresee Ohio State having some very long, time-consuming demoralizing drives.

Hm if that's the case then I don't know what kind of defense we will throw at you. I wish that we still had Tyler Moeller (injured) because I figure that we will be running with 5 DB's (Or 4 DB's and a Star is more correct) at all times. Moeller was great in coverage and against the run. The star allows us to defend the run as well as the pass almost equally well as an extra linebacker or extra DB. Moeller was perfect for this. However, Christian Bryant (his backup) may be back and that would be huge for us. Our defense is very opportunistic and will capitalize on mistakes.

This year we have run very few designed runs with Terrelle, no matter the down or distance. And he rarely runs up the middle. Most of his runs are improvised and too the outside. Boom Herron is on fire running the ball and what you mentioned is exactly what I hope that we do. We either have very long drives just running the ball down their throat with Boom or like a 3 play drive ending in a deep ball. I would really like to keep the ball away from you guys and use our style and physicality to our favor. This is how the Big Ten wins these games in my opinion. Our offensive line has also come together incredibly well at the end of the year. We do not blitz all that much, we will usually drop people into coverage, sometimes even a defensive lineman and wait for you to make a mistake. If Arkansas is patient and balanced they can do some good things but we all saw Mallett at the end of the Alabama game.

Should be a great game. I have no idea what is gonna happen. Go Bucks.

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