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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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OCBucksFan;1849919; said:
I need a new burning couch.

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I like the Arkansas fans who came on here and hope they stay, but their team plays dirty as shit, trying purposefully to injure players (esp. Big Cam), and their players also talk too much shit for their own good and take cheap shots after every play.

Also, Ryan Mallett is a smug, whiny brat, and I knew all along he would cough it up for the pick. Couldn't have happened at a more opportune time. Glad he got a little taste of how life would have been at scUM.
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wow, what a game. i am really pumped that the bucks pulled this one out. however, i also feel that i will always remember this game as the one that osu shouldn't have won. they were the better team yesterday, there is no denying that. my feelings with this game result from the non-suspended players for this game. i still feel that those 5 players should have been suspended for the sugar bowl and not for any games next year. low and behold, all 5 players came up big at one time or another. it is unfair that they got to play. let's please not forget this as we celebrate this great victory.

as i said before, i am very excited that the bucks won. i just wish it could have gone down differently. :oh:
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cant believe how many players were cramping up...next time we need IV's for every player as soon as they hit the sideline...but what a great win...for all the injuries we had, and the game on the line up 5, you would think at that point in the game we would lose the game with our inexperienced secondary and our recent history with the SEC...our pass rush was the key to this game...if we didnt get a good pass rush on mallet then the outcome of this game would probably be much different...great job on defense from the coaches to all the players...especially the freshmen who had to step in and made great plays....even tho howard got turned on that deep fade he still played a great game...that was a hell of a pass...howard needs to spend this offseason bulking up some...clarke and bryant played well i thought also...we should have a great secondary next year with recruiting and what we already have currently...TP had his career game again in a bowl game...i wish all our regular season games were bowl games and we would go undefeated...dane and posey had huge games, and dane will be sorely missed...he was a great possession receiver and now we will be looking for the next dane, hartline, gonzo, holmes....philly brown maybe? or maybe james louis could be...looks like he has the right speed and size to be a good possession receiver...lets see how his hands are....i could go on forever...great game by everyone
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Gothmog8;1849954; said:
How is that? I don't have a Tv in the room with my PC and I am sorry but watching the game was more important than any comment I could have made on here (especially the 2nd half)

i was just kidding around...i believe you said you weren't gonna post til the game was over but you did, you were gonna be the jinx..

was meant to be in good fun, that's all
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great win

but hard to watch! Jeeeezz! I do think that most of the time we played damned well and we really demonstrated that overall, player for player, there is just more TALENT on the Buckeye squad.

I love Boom, but on that safety play, the 4 yards "for sure" carry was straight up the middle. Not sure why he cut left. I saw O Linemen knocking guys down while he went to the left. I mean, I'd have to see an overhead shot to make sure I knew what I was talking about, but it looked that way.

Then Pryor running 14.5 yards on 3d and 15? He made so many nice runs, but at the end of that run another yard or two was there for the taking.

The other thing that was tough was the second half play calling. My favorite thing about the Buckeyes is Jim Tressel, make no mistake. But we got a little tentative in the second half. Although, he did go for it on 4th and 1/2 yard.

Many props to the defense. Arkansas could have held on to some of those passees but too bad, that's the way it goes.

Sooooooooo glad to get the SEC win.
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Gatorubet;1849838; said:
Congrats guys and gals. I had a great time meeting up with Grad21 before the game, and I sat with Wingate1217 and his son for the second half. I though he was going to stroke out. We were laughing (OK - I was laughing) at what the board must have been like as the second half wound down, Tresss called Tress plays, and the punt was blocked.

I think a few vacations were implemented by our crack Mods. :lol:

Great game Buckeyes. A very un-Tressel first half, with honest to God tight end receptions. :biggrin: I think it was a masterful first half, and your defense should get the damn game ball.

I also think it is a good thing that several hogs could not grab a key pass or three. But you won this game, and took this game, and y'all deserve all of the props for getting that southern monkey off your backs...and I think Mark May soiled himself. :slappy:

Now, if we can just get them to come play in snow. :biggrin:
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