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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Haven't read any posts anywhere yet, so this is probably preaching to the choir, but:

I was impressed, check that, overwhelmed, by the play of Boom tonight. He looked more explosive than he has all year, and he was a huge part of the win.

Pryor was Pryor circa 2010 Rose Bowl, almost to a tee. Brilliant play, no picks, fantastic decision making, humble- albeit somewhat nervous-sounding post game talk. Loved every second of it.

Posey came up BIG in the form of his best catch of the season. Major props to him on that.

Dane was Dane, Buckeye of the year. Heyward was monstrous, the D came through even with what seemed like half of the starters injured.

Not a single player disappointed. (maybe our punter? WTF was that 5 step walk before getting his kick blocked about?)


Tressel, I love you, but when something is working so well, why stop? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Don't take your foot of the gas when nothing can stop your car. In my opinion, Tresselball turned this plunger raping into an actual game. They couldn't stop us until we slowed things up and stopped taking shots downfield. Just an observation, I'm not going to sit here and question JT after the win, but a loss might have sent some fingers pointing toward the vest. Just saying. (Vest bump anyone?)

Fuck those refs. Blown calls left and right, and two HUGE ones that could have actually cost us the game. That was NOT a safety. Forward progress put Boom at the 3, he was pushed back to 2 yards deep and never advanced. I don't care that he "broke" off the tackle. If that is the rule, then it should be changed. Consider this hypothetical: Four defenders bust through the line, PICK UP the running back with the ball, carry him into the end zone, set him down, THEN proceed to tackle him. Is that a safety? According to that officiating crew, yes! And I know what you're thinking: the refs would have blown the whistle, stopping the play. EXACTLY. So why didn't they blow the damn whistle when Boom was pushed backwards FIVE YARDS? Ridiculous call, almost gave me a heart attack. And then on third and ten, a false start was called when he was clearly drawn off by the defender. This made it third and fifteen. Pryor then scrambled for 14.5 yards which would have given us the first down had the correct penalty been called and it were third and five. Instead, we failed to convert on fourth down and turn the ball over in our own territory. And then there were the holds. Ok, Arkansas O-Line, I realize that you cannot stop the football God that is Cam Heyward, but holding him is not the answer! Seriously, almost every replay they showed, I spotted a hold on Arkansas' O-Line that wasn't called.


We WON! WhooooooHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooO!!!!11!!!!1! Fuck yes! Fuck the SEC. Fuck ESPiN. FUCK Mark May, glad that asshat got booed. Fuck the haters. We beat a top SEC opponent, monkey erased IMO.

Props to Arkansas, played one hell of a game. Mallet played lights out, lucky for us his receivers couldn't catch a ball to save their lives.

Oh and I almost forgot, FUCK M*ch*g*n, here's to hoping Dick Rod isn't really fired yet. :biggrin:

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