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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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jdevers;1826422; said:
I will certainly not argue with you and this isn't an attempt at such. But I would like to post our own scores on these two particular teams as well.

2006 Florida: 38-28, Florida win.
2007 LSU: 50-48, Arkansas win.
Last season Oregon beat Purdue and ran away from USC. We lost to both of those teams, and still managed to remain competitive against last year's "greatest offense of all time"...even pulled out the victory.
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IronBuckI;1826511; said:
Last season Oregon beat Purdue and ran away from USC. We lost to both of those teams, and still managed to remain competitive against last year's "greatest offense of all time"...even pulled out the victory.

Yeah, I'd say we were more than just competitive against the team many thought would hang between 30-60 points on us and ended up not even breaking the teens. :biggrin:

I still don't believe all the Oregon hype, personally. I'd actually love to see them face another Big Ten team this year.
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muffler dragon;1826456; said:
I don't think that means what you think it means.

I was simply listing some stats, I wasn't trying to infer anything. That is why I made my disclaimer at the start of the post. I know that the "we beat x, so we will beat y" argument doesn't work. We kicked the crap out of South Carolina, who soundly beat Alabama, who beat us. I was just trying to post further information.
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jdevers;1826885; said:
I was simply listing some stats, I wasn't trying to infer anything. That is why I made my disclaimer at the start of the post. I know that the "we beat x, so we will beat y" argument doesn't work. We kicked the crap out of South Carolina, who soundly beat Alabama, who beat us. I was just trying to post further information.

I believe you missed the point behind LJB's post. It was in response to the Arkansas offense hanging 30 on the Buckeye D. He was showing how many times that's happened in the last few years and to whom. Thus, your response had nothing to do with his post.

LordJeffBuck post #208 said:
To amplify, the five teams that scored 30+ points on Ohio State were as follows:
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GeorgiaBuck2;1826878; said:
+1. I think Wisconsin would bring the media back to reality again.

Instead we get to watch them face the team they're supposed to beat and make the conference look bad if they happen to lose. Otherwise known as Snore Bowl 2010. Awesome! Can't wait for this no win situation.
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OK, it's not official yet, but here's the pre-game thread for the matchup against Arkansas, since it seems almost certain to happen now.
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