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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Welcome to BP, swine...


I have not seen Arkansas play at all this year. I caught maybe a play or two, but not enough to make any kind of reasonable judgment about the Razorbacks. So I will be looking forward to this thread and the next month of discussion...
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i look forward to playing osu in the sugar. for the most part of what i have seen of your fan base, you have alot of good and classy sportsmanship that i like to see. i think we will all get to see a game of games. gl to you. WPS
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Should be a good game. Both teams are pretty balanced, the Hogs have a stout offense and talented defense. The Bucks, sort of the opposite, with a pretty stout defense, and very talented offense.

JT usually has a pretty good game plan for these games. I just hope that the defense doesn't play that soft zone, 8-10 yards off the reciever, Mallet has a gun, and it could get ugly.

Looking forward to this one already :oh:

Oh and welcome to all the Hog fans
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