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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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SmoovP;1824943; said:
They don't play defense in the PAC10, so they had no idea what to expect.

Even in the top heavy SEC this year, the defense hasn't been the focal point. As others have said, I doubt Arkansas defends as poorly as Oregon did last year in the Rose Bowl, but I also don't think Arkansas has had to deal with the type of offensive gameplan that Tressel runs at any point this year. I honestly believe that the closest games, in comparison, were the Auburn and Alabama games.

We know how those ended.

SmoovP;1824950; said:
The deeper I look at things, it seems to me that this should be a really good matchup.

Our very good offense vs. y'alls scary good defense.

Y'alls decent offense vs. our decent defense.

Once again, as others have mentioned, our offense is far from "decent". Coaching style dictates the final score in many of our games. Don't let the amount of points put up fool you. Overall, there's not a whole lot of talent difference between these two teams on offense. Defense WILL be the deciding factor in this game. I watched the Auburn game very intently and I'm sure the coaching staff will as well. There are just as many holes in the Arkansas defense as there are in ours, they're just in different places. Fortunately for both offenses the QBs are going to be their best weapons.

Arkansas WILL be made to look like fools once or twice by Terrelle Pryor's legs.

Ohio State WILL be made to look like fools once or twice by Ryan Mallett's arm.

The difference is that I don't think Ohio State is going to get burned by Mallett's legs at all, where Terrelle has the ability to make the big-game pass on occasion.

SmoovP;1824950; said:
Here's where I give y'all the edge: Big Game BCS Level Experience. That might prove significant. We're still a pretty young team and no one on it will have ever been in a game this big with anywhere close to this level of hype, anticipation, scrutiny or attention.

I feel like this is a huge edge. The coaching staff and, to a lesser but still significant extent, the players have all known what it means to succeed AND fail on the biggest stage. For most of these seniors this will be their 4th BCS bowl game and while experience does not translate into points on the field, it certainly helps make the coaching and execution run a whole lot smoother in practice and in the games.

I'm going to go ahead and be the one to make the first score prediction (though I'm still kind of hoping for Spurrier to take down Auburn). If Arkansas DOES end up in the Sugar bowl vs. Ohio State I'll go with:

13-10 Ark at the half
27-23 tOSU final
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SmoovP;1824762; said:
The Game Of The Century.

#1 Texas vs #2 Arkansas. Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville.

As a buddy says, "My recurring nightmare. James Street to Randy Peschel on 4th and 3."

Thanks for bringing it up.

That game only got that label since it was 2 weeks after what was probably tOSU's worst defeat in history, a 24-12 loss at Ann Arbor that started the 10-year War. If tOSU had won that game, a second straight national title would have been awarded to the Buckeyes, who would not have gone to a bowl game no matter what due to the Big Ten's no-repeat rule at the time.

Before that loss, tOSU's closest margin of victory was 27 points.
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DaveyBoy;1824929; said:
I was at the Michigan vs OSU game in Ann Arbor in 2008...when Mallett was a freshman at UM. Henne started and struggled all game....then they brought Mallett in for the 4th quarter. Instantaneously our DBs had to guard up a little closer because they knew Mallett had the the arm strength to throw frozen ropes to receivers by the sidelines. While Henne had a sore shoulder that day, it was obvious that we were witnessing one of those big time arms with Mallett. He reminded me a bit of Drew Henson.

The guy is going to be a very good one at the next level.

I think that the game in 2008 was at the "SHoe". The year before the game was in Ann Arbor. A very cold and wet rainey one. Henne and Hart were pretty both beat up, but the game they played against Florida in the Citrus Bowl was a different Michigan team than what we seen back in Ann Arbor.
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I'm seeing a touchy trend develop. How much will we (Arkansas) score?

I refuse to believe that it will a lot.

Yes, I believe Arkansas does have one of the top 3 offenses in the nation, and right now we are clicking on all cylinders. However, I know that BCS virgins hardly ever reach their PPG average. I don't expect us to score in the 30's...but maybe I've just become a pessimist. Tressel is a hell of a game planner, and your teams are always solid and disciplined. Also, Arkansas has a rough history when it comes to playing Big Ten competition in bowl games...it's disgusting, really.
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kippy1040;1825008; said:
I think that the game in 2008 was at the "SHoe". The year before the game was in Ann Arbor. A very cold and wet rainey one. Henne and Hart were pretty both beat up, but the game they played against Florida in the Citrus Bowl was a different Michigan team than what we seen back in Ann Arbor.

Of course you're right....my bad. I've edited it. Thanks.
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SmoovP;1824893; said:
but I'm just not seeing any quality wins on y'alls schedule this year.

I understand where you're coming from.....but we've heard the same arguments and everything last year. When we played Oregon, everything you've said was said.

Ohio State hasn't seen an offense like Oregon
Ohio State couldn't beat any quality games on their season.
Ohio State can't handle a team like Oregon.

There's a reason we have faith in our defense....and it's not arrogance.
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SloopyHangOn;1824993; said:
Once again, as others have mentioned, our offense is far from "decent". Coaching style dictates the final score in many of our games. Don't let the amount of points put up fool you. Overall, there's not a whole lot of talent difference between these two teams on offense. Defense WILL be the deciding factor in this game.

I watched the Auburn game very intently and I'm sure the coaching staff will as well. There are just as many holes in the Arkansas defense as there are in ours, they're just in different places. Fortunately for both offenses the QBs are going to be their best weapons.

Regardless of the semantics over using the word 'decent' for our defense or y'alls offense, it looks to me as if they are fairly evenly matched - as are our offense vs. your defense.

I don't know that choosing our worst game of the year will give you an accurate feel for our defense.

This was the game where Mallett was knocked out before the half with a mild concussion by Auburn's all-world (but very dirty) D lineman Nick Fairley. His backup Tyler Wilson, despite throwing 2 costly INTs, threw the ball for 24/34/332 and 4 TDs. His breakdowns in the 4th were costly. I believe if Mallett had been playing, things might have gone differently.

What cost us that game wasn't necessarily our defense. We had a couple of major breakdowns on special teams, a couple of dodgy calls went against us and Wilson's INTs hurt badly.

I'm not one to blame the refs for a loss as every team gets good and bad calls, but there were two calls that could have easily gone the other way. One was a goal line fumble by Auburn that Arkansas recovered, but was ruled a TD (it wasn't) and a fumble when we were ahead and trying to nurse a lead and bleed the clock - that call was a genuine toss-up.

Our defensive line is very good and very deep. They absolutely humiliated Spurrier's Gamecocks and made them our women. DD Jones, Tank Wright and Jake Bequette will spend some time in your backfield. Our linebackers and defensive backs are a bit undersized, but very fast and pretty solid tacklers.

Aside from the Auburn game and the 2OT Mississippi State game, no one has scored more than 24 on us this year. It's not an elite defense, but it's 'decent'.

And while I'll concede my word selection in calling the Ohio State offense 'decent' might be the wrong choice, I don't think it is an elite offense either. Somewhere in-between I reckon.
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Coqui;1825019; said:
I understand where you're coming from.....but we've heard the same arguments and everything last year. When we played Oregon, everything you've said was said.

Ohio State hasn't seen an offense like Oregon
Ohio State couldn't beat any quality games on their season.
Ohio State can't handle a team like Oregon.

There's a reason we have faith in our defense....and it's not arrogance.

I haven't said any of those things.

I'm not one to say our offense is out of the ordinary. It's simply good players executing well with good playcalling.

I'm not saying you couldn't beat a quality team this season, just that your one top 25 opponent on the year was a loss. Miami was ranked when y'all played, but they turned out to be a pretty big dud.

You could say the same about Iowa even though they have a very good defense. A defense that held y'all to 20 points.

So, aside from Iowa, Miami and Wisconsin there isn't anyone else on your schedule that put up much of a fight.

And I certainly haven't said that you guys can't handle an offense like Arkansas'. I'm pretty sure you can.

I'm not ready to make a prediction yet - heck, it's not even a sure thing that we'll play - but I'm leaning toward an tOSU win here. But I think you'll have to put up a good fight and play your best game of the year.
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SmoovP;1825054; said:
And while I'll concede my word selection in calling the Ohio State offense 'decent' might be the wrong choice, I don't think it is an elite offense either. Somewhere in-between I reckon.

Statistically, Ohio State is arguably equivalent offensively with Arkansas, statistics are statistics, so take it for what it's worth, but still...


Ohio State 10th, Arkansas 17th


Ohio State 14th, Arkansas 63rd


Ohio State 55th, Arkansas 3rd

Ohio State runs the ball more, Arkansas passes it more.

On the flip side, Ohio State's defense is substantially better across the board than Arkansas.


Ohio State 3rd, Arkansas 43rd


Ohio State 6th, Arkansas 70th


Ohio State 4th, Arkansas 16th

Once again, just stats. But great defense trumps great offense (see: 2010 Rose Bowl) and I will take our offense, mediocre or otherwise, against your defense.
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Buckeye86;1825061; said:
Statistically, Ohio State is arguably equivalent offensively with Arkansas, statistics are statistics, so take it for what it's worth, but still...

Yes, those statistics are in y'alls favor, but y'all haven't played anywhere near as strong a schedule as we have, so that's going to skew things in your favor.

Continuing your statistics theme:

Arkansas is ranked #8 SOS
Ohio State is ranked #45 SOS
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SmoovP;1825058; said:
I haven't said any of those things.

I'm not one to say our offense is out of the ordinary. It's simply good players executing well with good playcalling.

I'm not saying you couldn't beat a quality team this season, just that your one top 25 opponent on the year was a loss. Miami was ranked when y'all played, but they turned out to be a pretty big dud.

You could say the same about Iowa even though they have a very good defense. A defense that held y'all to 20 points.

So, aside from Iowa, Miami and Wisconsin there isn't anyone else on your schedule that put up much of a fight.

And I certainly haven't said that you guys can't handle an offense like Arkansas'. I'm pretty sure you can.

I'm not ready to make a prediction yet - heck, it's not even a sure thing that we'll play - but I'm leaning toward an tOSU win here. But I think you'll have to put up a good fight and play your best game of the year.

I think as far as Ohio State is concerned - the best game of the year will alway be against Michigan our fierce rival forever. Anything after that is
a reward to play in a Bowl Game. Tressel has brought this state of mine to the "BuckeyeNation" Then we have to start all over again for the next opponent, which could be the Razorbacks - or someone else. Anyway, Yes, the Buckeyes will put up a good fight always.
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I just got off the phone with my father-in law, who lives in Baton Rouge, and he informed me that he is receiving 4 free tickets to the Sugar Bowl. Since we are heading south for Christmas and New Years, he wanted to know if i wanted the tickets. He didn't realize that OSU is slated to be there! I think I might have scared him when i screamed like a little girl!:!
I hope to see yall in the game. I think it would be great to see the firtst time these two teams meet! And of course in my biased opinion, an good ole Buckeye win! :osu:
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How do the defenses compare? Let's look deeper into the numbers....

Overall Ohio State has faced on average the 64th ranked offense in all it's games. They have held their opponents to 14.1 points below their offense's season average. The only team to score more points than their season average was Eastern Michigan (the 107th ranked offense) and we are all still trying to figure that one out. Secondary was beat up and young in the tooth and it showed.....

Arkansas faced the 52nd offense on average every Saturday and held them to 6.2 points below their average. The teams to exceed this average was Mississippi State and of course Auburn.

This bodes well for OSU, however it shows that the Hogs "D" is no slouch either. Next I will look at the offenses.....
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