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Sugar Bowl: #3 Ohio State 49, #2 Clemson 28, Jan 1 in New Orleans

Which made me think of... where are all the crossers with a guy sitting in the middle?

Just not enough variety in who we target and how we do it. Not sure what the deal is but something doesn't feel right with the passing game. Not sure why JF only throws to just 2 and 5.

The short crossing routes work great when defenses play man and don't have the same talent as the offense (prime example... how Don Brown and *ichigan try going about slowing OSU's offense down......lol).

Defenses have been showing zone vs. OSU, dropping more guys, but disguising their blitzes (which Venables and Clemson does better than almost anyone), which has given JF issues. It takes him too long to get through his progressions and he's taking big hits and more losses as a result.

I am not a huge Chiefs fan but live 45 mins from KC so I watch them quite a bit. I see a lot of the same issues with Mahomes. I know, I'm critiquing the best QB in football and future HOF coach...... but hear me out. The Chiefs feasted off the explosive play last year. Teams tried to play man and bring a lot of pressure to confuse him. Andy Reed is a pass-happy coach, always has been, similar to Coach Day. Pat and Hill torched defenses on the deep ball all season long last year.

This year, more teams are dropping in zone or playing Man under with 2 high safties taking away that deep ball. The Chiefs offense is not nearly as explosive and they are having to dink and dunk their way down the field, making Mahomes read defenses and fit balls in tight windows. Timing is critical. Mahomes has been forcing a lot of throws the past 3 weeks and looks frustrated. Taking a lot of shots too. That's why their games have been much tighter and they aren't scoring 35-40 points on everyone recently. You also see the result of this in their use of the TE. Day runs an NFL system but when teams take away the deep ball (like IU and NW do) and keep everything in front, the ball has to come out faster and JF and Day need to utilize the TE's.

Travis Kelsey is on pace to lead the NFL in receiving as a TE and have one of the best seasons a TE has ever had in the NFL. We have 2 exceptional pass-catching TE's and use neither of them in the passing game. It is just baffling to me. If they would just run a few plays where the TE leaks out for a screen or a delayed release right in the spot where the LB's vacate from blitzing it would go for an easy chunk play every time. You know Venables is going to be dialing up some exotic blitzes on the 1st. Hope they put some plays in the offense to make them pay. Why I am so pessimistic that it won't happen?
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The short crossing routes work great when defenses play man and don't have the same talent as the offense (prime example... how Don Brown and *ichigan try going about slowing OSU's offense down......lol).

Defenses have been showing zone vs. OSU, dropping more guys, but disguising their blitzes (which Venables and Clemson does better than almost anyone), which has given JF issues. It takes him too long to get through his progressions and he's taking big hits and more losses as a result.

I am not a huge Chiefs fan but live 45 mins from KC so I watch them quite a bit. I see a lot of the same issues with Mahomes. I know, I'm critiquing the best QB in football and future HOF coach...... but hear me out. The Chiefs feasted off the explosive play last year. Teams tried to play man and bring a lot of pressure to confuse him. Andy Reed is a pass-happy coach, always has been, similar to Coach Day. Pat and Hill torched defenses on the deep ball all season long last year.

This year, more teams are dropping in zone or playing Man under with 2 high safties taking away that deep ball. The Chiefs offense is not nearly as explosive and they are having to dink and dunk their way down the field, making Mahomes read defenses and fit balls in tight windows. Timing is critical. Mahomes has been forcing a lot of throws the past 3 weeks and looks frustrated. Taking a lot of shots too. That's why their games have been much tighter and they aren't scoring 35-40 points on everyone recently. You also see the result of this in their use of the TE. Day runs an NFL system but when teams take away the deep ball (like IU and NW do) and keep everything in front, the ball has to come out faster and JF and Day need to utilize the TE's.

Travis Kelsey is on pace to lead the NFL in receiving as a TE and have one of the best seasons a TE has ever had in the NFL. We have 2 exceptional pass-catching TE's and use neither of them in the passing game. It is just baffling to me. If they would just run a few plays where the TE leaks out for a screen or a delayed release right in the spot where the LB's vacate from blitzing it would go for an easy chunk play every time. You know Venables is going to be dialing up some exotic blitzes on the 1st. Hope they put some plays in the offense to make them pay. Why I am so pessimistic that it won't happen?
Well you said it and so have I in a way... we don't throw to the tight ends and we pretty much throw to only 2 and 5. I've always been a big fan of putting 4 WRs in or at least putting Ruckert in the slot. That helps with identifying the blitz and takes people out of the box but I digress.

I agree though I think what Ryan Day and Wilson have run into this year is there's not the patients we typically had in 2019. I get wanting to take a shot but maybe do that on 2nd and 2 instead of 1st and 10. The quick sand reference OSU graduate and sugar bowl loser Shane Falco made is real and I think we get that from time to time. We try to hit a big play and it fails, but instead of getting back on track we double down and press again. Then for Justin he makes a bad throw and tries to press harder to make up for it and then makes another bad throw because it's being forced.

The offense needs to calm down. Run the ball, stay ahead of the chains, take your shots when you can afford to throw away a play, and if something goes wrong get back to what your base is ASAP the next play.
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Flat out I've never seen this much disrespect. Only thing missing is after party invitations.

Dabo with not one, not two, not three, but four instances of saying OSU doesnt belong. The results last year and also being a touchdown underdog.

I dont think people realize how big a touchdown dog is. If people were having issues picking the game it'd be a 3 point or less spread. Nope we get the disrespect of a touchdown.

My heart seriously drops everytime I see someone post that play. That was the huge play that turned it all smh.

What I kept saying early in that game out loud was "They can't handle the physicality. They have no answer for it." We need to bring that very same approach this game. Make them tap.

We have got to make them pay all game.

Last year... gosh I've never seen such a dominant first half get wasted like that. Yeah the calls sealed our fate but IMO we blew it.

28-0 instead of 16-0 would've been huuuuuge
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I’m feeling it

Buckeyes gonna take it to Clemson

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Now, the truth about the footage of Ryan Day’s fiery words after the Big Ten title game is that there was nothing really inflammatory about them. That was pretty standard for a celebration after a championship with a team getting ready for the playoff, it wasn’t targeted specifically at Clemson — and other than a few choice words, it wasn’t different than Day publicly backing his team against anybody in the nation in his press conference. From that perspective, the actual message isn’t something that Ohio State should really worry about at all.

However, sharing the unfiltered, private conversation is something that will get the program’s attention. The fact that the code of the locker room was violated by a fifth-year senior like Demario McCall who should obviously know better is what will actually bother the Buckeyes. Any punishment will happen behind closed doors, but the wide receiver and kickoff returner is unlikely to be kicked off the team in the midst of a pandemic due to that misstep.

But it’s probably yet another reminder of why McCall has struggled throughout his career to earn the trust of the coaching staff and carve out any kind of consistent role on offense. Injury issues and ball-security problems have been the obvious primary factors over the last few years, but practice habits weren’t far behind — and stepping out of line by filming a moment that was meant to be kept inside the program suggests that questions about maturity were fair as well.

Honestly, it was nice to get a rare glimpse behind the curtain at a team that is clearly fired up for a rematch. But that isn’t likely to save McCall from some early-morning workouts, and it might ensure that his job on special teams remains open for competition heading into the College Football Playoff.

Ryan Day: "It doesn't matter if it is Clemson or Alabama, we're going to fuckin beat their ass!!!"

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