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Sugar Bowl: #3 Ohio State 49, #2 Clemson 28, Jan 1 in New Orleans

Venables makes his living on small(er) defenses up front the last couple years with more "exotic" looks on the backend.

I really can't speak to the quality of Clemson's secondary this season, but last years group was pretty trash overall. The nice thing is, to compensate for the lack of beef up front, BV will have to send additional bodies to limit the running game should the Bucks actually show some spine and commit to it again. Day had 2 great screens called last year, both would have gone for touchdowns if caught. Instead we ended up settling for FG's.

For me and my limited take so far? Play like Clemson did last year. We need a heavy dose of Sermon, Teague AND JF. Those QB draws and draw-leads that Sunshine hit us with? Do just that to them. If Fields thumb isn't 100% then damn it, his legs had better well be because we'll need them. Limit possessions and you got a shot.

On defense? Jesus H... no clue. Pray the front 7 gets off blocks in a way they haven't shown this season, the pass rush decides to come alive and Wade shuts down an entire side of the field on his way to a top 20 pick.
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Venables makes his living on small(er) defenses up front the last couple years with more "exotic" looks on the backend.

I really can't speak to the quality of Clemson's secondary this season, but last years group was pretty trash overall. The nice thing is, to compensate for the lack of beef up front, BV will have to send additional bodies to limit the running game should the Bucks actually show some spine and commit to it again. Day had 2 great screens called last year, both would have gone for touchdowns if caught. Instead we ended up settling for FG's.

For me and my limited take so far? Play like Clemson did last year. We need a heavy dose of Sermon, Teague AND JF. Those QB draws and draw-leads that Sunshine hit us with? Do just that to them. If Fields thumb isn't 100% then damn it, his legs had better well be because we'll need them. Limit possessions and you got a shot.

On defense? Jesus H... no clue. Pray the front 7 gets off blocks in a way they haven't shown this season, the pass rush decides to come alive and Wade shuts down an entire side of the field on his way to a top 20 pick.
i’d have Wade shadow Rogers in the slot ... outside of that i’d keep everything in front and dont give them the home run and try to see how much they wanna run the ball... just a thought
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i’d have Wade shadow Rogers in the slot ... outside of that i’d keep everything in front and dont give them the home run and try to see how much they wanna run the ball... just a thought

Clemson still has Etienne. Something tells me they'd be perfectly happy giving him 20 carries.

edit: Yes, limiting the home run shots is something I agree with though.
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Clemson still has Etienne. Something tells me they'd be perfectly happy giving him 20 carries.

edit: Yes, limiting the home run shots is something I agree with though.
I’d rather have them feed him 20 times... just looked and stat wise he has 50 less carries this year with a little over half the yardage... Sunshine has been much more of a runner this year. From what i’ve seen Etienne or the run blocking of the OL is not the same as last year... i’d almost dare them to run him and sunshine a ton
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and what a catch and fumble is. My bad, they got it right. It wasn't until Birmingham got involved that the shenanigans started happening.
Look, you cant call it a catch when the guy secures the football and takes at least 3 steps with it before it's knocked out of his possession and returned for a score the other way. This isn't Nam. There are rules.
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and what a catch and fumble is. My bad, they got it right. It wasn't until Birmingham got involved that the shenanigans started happening.
I was laying awake about 2:30 am this morning trying to figure out if I’d prefer Big XII or PAC-12 refs and replay crews for this game. I’m assuming since neither of them is involved in the CFB playoffs, that one of them will ref the Sugar Bowl and the other will be in Dallas for the Bama-ND game.

Looks like Big XII for us. Jeff Snook has written that the Sugar Bowl and the Championship Game will have Big XII refs, and that Bama-ND will have Big Ten refs.

Well, we had Big XII refs on 1-3-2003 (Terry Porter), and I don’t remember the refs in the post-2014 run, which is probably a good thing.
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Clemson still has Etienne. Something tells me they'd be perfectly happy giving him 20 carries.

edit: Yes, limiting the home run shots is something I agree with though.
I’d rather have them feed him 20 times... just looked and stat wise he has 50 less carries this year with a little over half the yardage... Sunshine has been much more of a runner this year. From what i’ve seen Etienne or the run blocking of the OL is not the same as last year... i’d almost dare them to run him and sunshine a ton
Etienne has not produced traditionally at all this year at the RB spot. He's as always best on pass routes out of the backfield.

I have my wishes for our defense which is literally just cover 2 zone to keep eyes on the backfield but I know that's not who we are. I also wish Wade would move into the slot to take Roger's or Etienne but that probably won't happen either.

For our defense because I dont see us going away from what we do...We have got to force turnovers. This years defense seems like to me hits harder. So force a few fumbles and maybe even a pick or two.

The one area I think no one is talking about is the special teams. We have got to get good returns this game, make our FGs, down our punts inside the 20, and maybe get a blocked punt.

I like our LOS over Clemson but that doesnt mean anything if we sit back and pass 50 times. So win special teams, run the ball, and force turnovers. As long as the defense gets the ball back a few times theyll have done their part.
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Etienne has not produced traditionally at all this year at the RB spot. He's as always best on pass routes out of the backfield.

I have my wishes for our defense which is literally just cover 2 zone to keep eyes on the backfield but I know that's not who we are. I also wish Wade would move into the slot to take Roger's or Etienne but that probably won't happen either.

For our defense because I dont see us going away from what we do...We have got to force turnovers. This years defense seems like to me hits harder. So force a few fumbles and maybe even a pick or two.

The one area I think no one is talking about is the special teams. We have got to get good returns this game, make our FGs, down our punts inside the 20, and maybe get a blocked punt.

I like our LOS over Clemson but that doesnt mean anything if we sit back and pass 50 times. So win special teams, run the ball, and force turnovers. As long as the defense gets the ball back a few times theyll have done their part.

What the man said.
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