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Sugar Bowl: #3 Ohio State 49, #2 Clemson 28, Jan 1 in New Orleans

I just hate when we get cute in big games. Like it will confuse or surprise. Do what works. Take what they give you. Adjust. Your talent will win. Sigh.
I agree... I have to believe we think it'll give us momentum if we hit on them but when they don't work it gives them momentum.

There's so many ways to run the ball and we need to do every single one of them.

Then go play action to Olave or Wilson.

It's my belief that our physicality beat them so bad that it cost them the title game in a way.

We need to do the same with a young Clemson DL.
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I have to think Wade will be just as motivated to end his Ohio State career with a National Championship and to improve his position in the 2021 NFL Draft too.

16-0 lead with 5 mins left in the 1st half and was about to get the ball back..........that call (and that fumble call) cost them the game. That said they still could won it at the end but both those calls ripped that game from Ohio State.
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One thing is for sure, team’s gonna be real angry. Been awhile since I’ve seen this much disrespect.
Flat out I've never seen this much disrespect. Only thing missing is after party invitations.

Dabo with not one, not two, not three, but four instances of saying OSU doesnt belong. The results last year and also being a touchdown underdog.

I dont think people realize how big a touchdown dog is. If people were having issues picking the game it'd be a 3 point or less spread. Nope we get the disrespect of a touchdown.
16-0 lead with 5 mins left in the 1st half and was about to get the ball back..........that call (and that fumble call) cost them the game. That said they still could won it at the end but both those calls ripped that game from Ohio State.
My heart seriously drops everytime I see someone post that play. That was the huge play that turned it all smh.

What I kept saying early in that game out loud was "They can't handle the physicality. They have no answer for it." We need to bring that very same approach this game. Make them tap.

We have got to make them pay all game.

Last year... gosh I've never seen such a dominant first half get wasted like that. Yeah the calls sealed our fate but IMO we blew it.
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