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Starcraft II - Wings Of Liberty

OSUScoonie12;1710541; said:
There were not many changes with the last patch...mostly to Zerg. Ultralisks got buffed pretty big, so it should be interesting to see if people use them more now.

Terran Mech still destroy Ultra's. Honestly, as a zerg I don't use Ultra's. They're too expensive and not really worth it. Broodlords are a much better investment. Lately in most matchups I've been going heavy muta builds and if I have time to tech to Hive I'll go Broodlords. I even started doing Sen's build of 1 base muta play. It work's to a point, but hiding the spire till last minute is key.
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Yea, it seems like all high-end units are too expensive, or the games don't last long enough to use them. I've been playing Protess mostly in Beta, and i've built Carriers or Colossus (sp?) maybe once. It is much faster and cost-effective to get Void Rays. or just mass Stalkers and other units.

I'd like to get better with Terran, but not really sure what to go with them because i haven't played them enough yet. Zerg still seem really weak and slow compared to original SC:BW, and the other races currently.
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I like to mega harvest the outerlords as soon as I can before mass producing scatternards. As long as no one sees your altagore right away you are free to defend from spaceeaters while attacking gliptoids at the same time. While doing this I did get caught off guard by an army of collooters one time though.

(j/k, I've never played the game)
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OSUScoonie12;1711177; said:
I'd like to get better with Terran, but not really sure what to go with them because i haven't played them enough yet. Zerg still seem really weak and slow compared to original SC:BW, and the other races currently.

Terran Mech is really strong against Zerg and was against Protoss, but I dont know if thats going to be the case now that they nerfed the damage on the tanks. Whenever I play Terran I usually go mass marines/marauders/ with a few medivacs. If I have enough gas I'll get out some tanks for support or vikings if there is alot of air.

Zerg isn't as weak as most are saying. Don't get me wrong they are weak, but if you macro well you can easily get a 200/200 army well before your opponent. It's just a question of whether it can stand up against a 115 size army of protoss or terran. Against Terran Mech it did not. The nerf doesnt effect Zerg as much as it effects protoss, which doesn't make sense.

Idealy, as a Zerg I try and harass with limited zerglings or muta's to a point where I don't have to start making an army until I'm around 40 food. Zerg is gas heavy, which sucks, and depend on larva to make anything. Each game I end up with a crap load of Minerals left and 0 gas. I try and spend it on zerglings/upgrades/overlords/hatcheries, but then again I'm using larva and gas on non necessities. Sometimes I'll have 3 hatcheries in 1 base just for the larva.
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Terran Mech is a bitch now. Tanks were never meant to deal out punishment unless seiged. But its incredile how 4 of those things and a couple missle turrets just stop any type of advance.

Thor's are probably the best unit in the game when massed. They deal out crazy damage, have great armor when upgraded and also a good fire rate.
Its just very difficult going in the open against them without some type of plan. I've tried a few DT's, until your opponent scans. So far its pretty effective. If you can sprinkle them in with some other units and have their damage be a bit more sutble its a pretty good strategy. Ultimately though the damn things win out.

Zerg are weak on early offense unless you can pump out enough lings to cause some havoc. Maybe you can, maybe you can't. The idea with them has and will always be pure offense. Harass early and hit your tech tree, that's about the idea. But their vespene heavy. Every time I see a zerg expansion, I go for the drones on the gas and extractors first. Stop the gas, stop the Zerg - pretty simple.

Broodlords are IMHO though, far more overpowered than Guardians ever could be. Muta/Broodlord is becoming a very popular combo.

So the basic premise of playing Zerg is to stay alive long enough to get your tech tree going.

The idea of beating the Zerg is to get out early and don't let up.
Relentless pressure and prevent them from expanding is the surest thing you have.
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Right now as a matter of fact. Getting rolled trying to (re) master the zerg.

I think I've got it about down though - the last game wasn't too bad. Held off for 15 minutes, guy sent a fleet of 'Cruisers and I crushed them. So yeah, almost got it back.
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Yea, i tried to login yesterday after work and saw the message about Beta ended at 11pm PST. Well now we have to wait until July 27.

One thing i was wondering is....is there going be any arranged team ladders in SC2? I know WC3 had the arranged team ladders, b/c i played those alot. Beta didn't have any of this, but i'm hoping it does include it later on.
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I really enjoyed the Beta. Overall, the game is a lot more tuned then the original SC:BW. SC2 involves a lot more strategy and thought compared to the old SC. Sure some units and things still need to be ironed out, but that is what the Beta is for. I really love the new battle.net setup. It is a lot cleaner and i love the setup of everything. I don't know if you guys played any custom games, but i really really like how they have that setup now. Instead of scrolling through pages of custom games to find something you like, you just select the map/game and press Join. You will join a game that already has a host and is waiting for more players, or if there isn't an open game you become the host of one if you want.

I can't wait to see what the finished product of everything is, especially the campaign!
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It's a push more towards a true RTS emphasis on the 'S'.

The original Starcraft was brute force. Sure you could have a few clever tricks but if you gave me time to mass Hyrda's and not interupt my resource flow then you had little chance of stopping me unless you could keep up unit for unit.

SC2 is far more comparable to Warcraft III.

Their is still some unit balancing. The Zerg need to have a large reduction in the cost of Vespene. I had 4 expansions in a game that went for 54 minutes.
2 of those bases were simply for gas, I wasn't doing minerals because I was sitting on 4700 at one point while starving for gas.

Overseer's need to be axed. It costs way to much to make every Overlord into one and even then your opponent can target them and give you way to many headaches. I think it needs to be ONE upgrade, one time - all overlords. Zerglings need to have a +1 to attack - their nearly useless now unless you have tons to just absorb random fire. If marines are an effective late game units, Zealots and Zerglings need to be as well.

Terran: I'm not sure how to approach Thor's. But I've found Roaches and Broodlords really eat them alive, if your not zerg you have issues though.
I don't believe (outside of myself) I've seen one person use infestor's against Terran. And it works a treat.

Protoss: I think for the costs, dark templar should have just as much HP and shield/armor stack as zealots. They go down far to easy. I'd love to see reavers come back. It was the only "Seige" weapon the Protoss had. Otherwise you can lose tons of units charging head first into bunkers/colonies etc etc. Terran have tanks, Zerg have Broodlords, Protoss need their Reavers back.

I'd love to see what the mothership can do with its full compliment of abilities i.e. Planetcracker and Timebomb.

Dark Archons - I fucking want them back. If you dont want to cover your drone's or SCV's that your fault. But I think they would be a great counter against Terran Mech. Speciffically mass Thors. Those happy bastards will turn right around when they see half of their mechwarriors being shot to hell by their own weapons.

Pretty all I can think of right now. For a late Beta the balance was solid. it was far worse in the Closed beta - so the progress has been very consistent.
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I agree with pretty much everything you said. I don't see them adding Reavers or Dark Archons, which i wish they would. I totally agree with the Zerg comments...and hopefully they make some changes. We will all have to hook up when the game comes out and get some 2v2 or 3v3 teams together. Month and a half to go.
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