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Star Wars (May the Force be with you)

I can't like this post enough. Rian Johnson made a film and advanced the story beyond the box people can wrap their short attention spans around.
This is not a mind numbing blow stuff up action movie. I think the connections throughout the movie have gone way over a lot of heads.
How up on the books and outside mythology does one have to be to not be missing half the movie?
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The biggest issue with a lot of fan complaints is the idolizing of the original three. When you actually go back and watch them, you see how bad the acting and dialogue really is.

TNT (or whoever) has been pretty much showing I-VI non stop on the weekends the last couple weeks.... so, my kid will randomly flip them on, last night and the scene in Empire where Vader is telling Luke he's his father is on, and my whole family is just mocking Hamill's reaction because its just sooooo baaaad... I mean, yeah I get it, you're shocked, just got your hand chopped off and are trying not to fall down the big giant hole, but really why the squeaky noises?
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Couple Non-Spoiler thoughts:

1). The first 20 minutes are incredible. The most intense opening to a Star Wars movie I have seen.

2). Adam Driver just sucks. He's not scary or intimidating at all.

3). Porgs were totally pointless. This was a Disney insertion to sell merchandise.
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Couple Non-Spoiler thoughts:

1). The first 20 minutes are incredible. The most intense opening to a Star Wars movie I have seen.

2). Adam Driver just sucks. He's not scary or intimidating at all.

3). Porgs were totally pointless. This was a Disney insertion to sell merchandise.

2. Adam is well cast for the role they have him playing, and this is what Anakin should have been like in the first 3. I'm curious to see how he evolves in the next flick. I do agree his character could be more menacing.

#3 appealing to Chewy was a solid moment, but otherwise yes. They were definitely a merchandising ploy but also appealing to the kiddos. And given how mediocre to awful the cutesy insertions have been in past installments, I'm content with them being pointless instead of awful.
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True. Although I have to say, if there was random digital insertion going on, it’s really hard to blame these animals for farting.

Well, they make baby dolls that crap themselves, maybe there are some missed merchandising dollars they're not thinking of.

Mostly unrelated:

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John Williams' triumphant return as the composer of the soundtrack is also splendid. There's a lot of variety in the soundtrack and he uses Kylo and Rey's themes very well.

This x∞. I've had various portions of the Kylo and Rey themes (and their variations) running around in my head the past few days. I'm about another 10 seconds of humming them away from buying the soundtrack. :lol:
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I’ll take porgs over George’s random digital insertion of animals farting and belching in his movies.

I haven't read the whole thread so this might have been posted, but the porg were there because there were birds on the island they couldn't get to leave the scene. They had the option of paying a shit ton of money to remove Superman's mustache or a shit ton of money to turn the birds into into a cute toy selling opportunity and they decided to roll up the money truck.

Kylo Ren's helmet is the same deal. If you want to have current characters that people can meet at Disney World their face has to be hidden. It's a hell of a lot easier to find a guy that can pull off a Kylo Ren costume than a girl that looks like Rey or a guy that looks like Poe. You could probably pull it off for a stage show, but not a meet and greet, which is 70% of what Disney cares about. I wouldn't be surprised if they demanded that Ren had a helmet in TFA. It has to kill them that they will soon own >90% of the Marvel catalog and other that a few GotG sized loopholes they can't use any of them in Florida.
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