Thanks to all present, past, and future participants. This is a transition year as the ultimate goal is to have a single drive in the Fall, so bear with us as there will be this smaller push this year followed up by another closer to kick-off. As the overall goal remains the same (a smaller/diminished reflection of past goals), hopefully it doesn't end up being more invasive as we make that move. I don't think it will, as we'll try and find creative ways (like the single game efforts) to have fun with it.
Jo and I are actively going through and placing past banners today. You may see some 04s and 05s already out in the wild, those are not yet complete (some accounts require an extra step to change) but we are working up through the years and I hope we'll be done today. I'll post something here when we are so that anyone who feels they're missing some happy bling can touch base and we can investigate. Usernames have changed here and there in the last 8 years, so our first pass through probably won't be the last.
Finally, a HUGE thank you to Deety for being the core driving force behind these efforts each year (with another big nod to our old friend 3yardsandacloud who originally launched this effort in the way-back). She does the write-ups, injects all of the information and enthusiasm into them, and they'd be a pale shadow of what they are now without that. Moreover, Jwinslow is responsible for the new banners. While the goal there was simply to make better use of horizontal space in the postbit given the extra (and ever increasing years), I think he did a great job aesthetically and they're a welcome and attractive change to the site.
So thanks again all around, you guys are literally keeping the servers running and continue to make a tremendous difference back here for us as well, particularly during the leaner months when ad revenue drops through the floor. You also continue to make it possible for us to look at ways to improve the site and user experience, and -- health permitting -- I hope to roll out some pretty exciting stuff this year.