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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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A game of mistakes (again)!!

TP?s interception spotted USC 7 at the beginning of the game.
Throwing on 3rd down with a minute left in the 1st half resulting in the clock stopping and giving USC time to get a FG at the end of the 1st half.
TP getting sacked in the 4th and taking us out of FG range.
2 out of three trips into the red zone resulting in FG?s rather than TD?s.

We shut down their offense for most of the game. Held their supposed all world running game to less than 125 yards. They had one decent drive all game. Unfortunately it was in the 4th quarter when they were down by 5.

The offense line was not so much of a problem as play selection was. Everyone knew when we were going to run and when we were going to pass. Extremely unimaginative play calling. We made it very easy for USC?s defense. When we did mix it up, the offense was successful in moving the ball. Why did we stop throwing the FB screen to Saine when we had been so successful?

Just a very frustrating loss.
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The first thing I wanted say was, for all the crap the OL got, they played well. They stepped up and gave a good game.

Overall OSU played better than I thought they would, but just didn't have enough at the end. It's disappointing, but USC is a good team.

For those saying Pryor isn't a QB and this and that, please stop. This si same fanbase that called for Tressel to sit Smith, and we know how that turned out. Pryor certainly needs to step up. He needs to stop being indecisive and start playing knowing what he can do, not thinking about it. It will come, give it time. Pryor will make fools of everyone calling for him to move positions or sit.

I though the offensive coaching was ok, but OSU needed to sneak it at the goal line and should've gone for it on 4th and G. Tressel was a conservative at times on first down, but really, IMO, Pryor was the problem with the offense, not the playcalling.


The loss was dissapointing because OSU had many great opportunities with Field Position, but couldn't score and the offense from 15yds in is still a problem and is a concern. With a 6'6 235 QB you shouldn't struggle to score from 5 yards out.

OSU continues to just come up short in these games.

Pryor. I didn't think he was going to have 4 TDs, but he needs to be a more dangerous player and move the offense better. For the skills he has he is far too indecisive on many plays. i'm not sure if he is unsure of himself or what, but he needs to go out there and just do it. As much as people get mad at Tressel for the offensive woes, Pryor is the key here.


The DL lived up to the billing. Not as good as the 02 version, but they played very well. Good job guys.

The OL played well and great at times.

Pryor. Made some very good throws and some good runs. He will get better and better, USC did a great job defending him.

Posey. Will be a great player.

Overall the loss was definitely dissapointing. Missed opportunities over and over. The team is young though and in my mind this team went from a 9-3 team with a trip to the capital bowl to a 10-2 or 11-1 team with a chance at a BCS game and win. Fans should be frustrated, but I think they should also be proud of the game OSU played take away the positives with the negatives.
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I wish TP and the coaching staff would better utilize Pryor's gifts. He's a phenomenally talented runner, and--as of right now--just a good pocket passer IMO. If the primary and secondary reads aren't there ... then I'd like to see him tuck the ball and run much more readily and more decisively. Ultimately, I understand that he and the coaching staff are trying to mold him as a better pocket passer ... but it's still so hard to watch a guy with that much talent play with it all bridled up like that.

Hell of a game from our D tonight. I'm just incredibly bummed that we couldn't finish the deal. :(
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well, that felt a whole hell of a lot like 05 texas. what was it 4? 5? 6 times we started with the ball on our own 40 or better and went exactly nowhere? people will point to pryor's first pick. they will point at the failure to go for it on 4th and goal. they will even blame homan for not powning mcknight in the open field (heh whatever). this game boiled down to our inability to take advantage of the field position our d gave us time and time again.

if you told me before the game that barkley would out play pryor i would have laughed at you. fact is, he did. barkley wasn't responsible in anyway for usc's win. hell i could have done what he did today. BUT, he played his position and let the guys around him to their job. pryor? outside of two drives he really seemed to struggle. he had difficulty reading the d, failed to spot stupid wide open receivers the entire second half, seemed locked onto posey no matter the situation, and after the first quarter it seemed he never stepped into his throws again. i want to say it was our last drive, carter (i think we threw to him once all night) had his cb blitz. funny part is noone moved over to cover him. carter pointed it out and waved his arms but pryor never looked at him. it just seemed like he lost some of his confidence after halftime.

whats so frustrating about this game is that we dominated across the board exept at qb and tb. thats not a knock on anyone. its hard to fault anyone for not playing on mcknights level and pryor is a sophmore. its funny, his mistakes remind me so much of early 05 troy smith. once he gets his feet underneath him and plays the way he is capable of this team will be near impossible to stop. i for one am going to really enjoy watching this team develop this year. i suspect petey boy is DAMN happy he scheduled this home and away for 08/09 rather than 09/10 or even 10/11.

Buckeyefrankmp;1539926; said:
Would it be bashing the O-line to say they did not look good in the fourth quarter?

i thought the oline and tb's played lights out all game. its hard to open holes when there are 9 in the box. usc was giving us the pass all night. we just couldn't capitalize.

Basebuck;1539930; said:
It's frustrating. Something is broke and I'm not sure it's going to be fixed.

in my mind the issue revolves largely around the team being made up almost exclusively of underclassmen. that i can pretty much guarantee you will change. just not this year :wink:.

im so proud of the team. as painful as this loss is, every failure was a mental one and not an issue of talent. every issue we saw tonight imo is completely fixable. as well as these guys played even with the loss i can't help but be filled with confidence in where this team is going.

a hardy :oh: to the fans in the stadium tonight because they really made their presence felt! very proud of everyone in that stadium tonight!

cliffnotes: %@*(#*@@@*#*#&&$&*&!!!!!!eleven!!!
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Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
And songs to Alma Mater raise

While our hearts rebounding thrill

With joy which death alone can still

Summer's heat or winter's cold

The seasons pass the years will roll

Time and change will surely show

How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

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when you have 3rd and goal at the 1

and you have a 6'6 235 pound QB

it only seems logical that you QB sneak

instead you come up with some guard pull ISO?

thats about all I can say without going into coach bashing

but there is no excuse settling for a field goal there, even if go for it on 4th down and dont get it, they are still pinned at the 1 yardline, and their offense was not doing much at the time

they did and in the end it bites them in the behind

when you play not to lose, you lose
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LordJeffBuck;1539947; said:
If JT needs to learn one thing, it is this - you can't use Tresselball to beat teams that are better than you are.

Great game, bad result, it happens.
To be honest, I really wish he'd used Tresselball to kill off the second half rather than throwing the ball, it would've prevented the field goal. I was disappointed with Tressel in general, the playcalling was pretty poor and I disagree with the decision to punt when we had it on the 37 or so. What's happened to big game Jim? he didn't play to win, so we didn't. Also: does Tressel have something against the QB sneak?

Props to the O-line, they really stepped it up today. The defense was incredible too, as far as I'm concerned they gave up 11 points (the offense spotted USC 7 at the start) to USC, that's pretty much the best you can hope for. And the crowd was amazing, you could feel them trying to will the team to win.

The critics were right: Pryor was the x-factor. He needed to step up and lead the team. He didn't. Luckily, he's young and we've got a healthy amount of time to build an offense around him.
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martinss01;1540083; said:
in my mind the issue revolves largely around the team being made up almost exclusively of underclassmen. that i can pretty much guarantee you will change. just not this year :wink:.

im so proud of the team. as painful as this loss is, every failure was a mental one and not an issue of talent. every issue we saw tonight imo is completely fixable. as well as these guys played even with the loss i can't help but be filled with confidence in where this team is going.

a hardy :oh: to the fans in the stadium tonight because they really made their presence felt! very proud of everyone in that stadium tonight!

cliffnotes: %@*(#*@@@*#*#&&$&*&!!!!!!eleven!!!

Yep - it was a hard loss early, but they'll pick themselves up. Way to go team. Looking forward to the read of the year!
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GG buckeyes, i have to admit this loss is on on your coaching staff but also give credit where credit is due, Barkley looked like a senior the last drive of the 1st half and the 2nd half you cant say he wasnt poised it was his decision making that led to usc's victory. Regardless these two teams were a defensive battle and showed that DEFENSE wins games not fuckin big12 air it out every single down and get owned by a real defensive team ALA Okie State. We are both going to have an amaizing year and depending what happens over in CAL,Oregon,Notre dame we could very well be meeting again at the end of the year and that game could very well be bigger then the national championship GG buckeye's hats off to the two biggest NFL factories in college football now when you guys face my wolverines thats gonna be interesting there spread attack is going to be even better at the end of the year!!
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