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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Things to feel good about.

Ohio State University has never been stronger and is continuing to improve every year.

We have great coaches in football and basketball, who make me proud to be an Ohio State Alum.

Gordon Freakin' Gee, Baby!

The Olympic sports have never been better, and we're a real force in the Athletic Director's Cup every year.

It's a long season, and a lot of good things can still happen for this year's team.

I have BP!

Now, I'm going to log onto ESPN360 and watch the replay of the Boise-Fredo game to feel even better.

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I'm pretty pissed. We outplayed them all game and once again lost it at the end. It looked like we never practiced a two-minute drill before. That final series was awful.

Anyway, USC's defense is amazing. McKnight is great, too. I wish ESPN would give them the credit instead of slobber over Barkley. I'm sure Barkley will be good, but man, give credit where credit is due.

Field goals instead of touchdowns...missing a blocked punt by THIS much...always losing the 4th and 1 battle...damn.
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This game might have been lost with Pryor's fumble last year in the PSU game. We watched Barkley follow the center all night. But with 3rd and inches we won't call the same thing. Different game at 14-7 than 10-7 or 19-10 in the 4th.

Everything else was a war. USC had to fight for everything. I loved the Defense. If they play like that I like our chances the rest of the year.
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Missed WR's for TD's, bad decisions on where to go with the football, and not communicating in the huddle are what killed us. I've been thinking about a way to sugar coat it but I'm not sure how. Everyone thought we needed to ride TP to a win and we did need to. It just didnt happen

The coaches didnt make TP miss Saine up the sideline, throw low to Posey at midfield on 3rd and 8 or throw low to Sanz in the end zone.

Conservative play calling was not the problem. The plays were there and if one of them could have been made the game is over.

The only questionable play call that I saw that entire game was to match up Homan on Mcknight at the end of the game but that's a defensive call on the field.
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Wingate1217;1540002; said:
Yes I am frustrated and hurt by the loss, but I believe we all have to remember that their are a bunch of young men that laid it all on the line out there on the field and they have to be more hurt and frustrated than any of us and they deserve or respect and support and not our scorn......

Well said...
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adams2311;1539965; said:
Last year when Boeckman got benched and Pryor took over, I was skeptical. After watching this game, I am convinced that Pryor has no business as a quarterback!!! He cannot deliver an accurate football to our receivers. On more than one occasion he threw off his heels instead of stepping into the throw and delivering the football. If it were up to me, I would move Pryor to wide receiver and take advantage of his speed. It is time to give the helm to Bauserman. Pryor's arm isn't going to get it done for us this year. If Pryor remains as quarterback, prepare to be disappointed in November when we play Michigan. Forcier is the real deal and I wish we had him!
This might be the most idiotic post I've ever read. That says something. I hope you're not really a Buckeye fan, because if you are, you may be the worst one on the planet. Get lost.
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I was thinking earlier today about Derek Jeter (because Jeter's been in the news a lot lately) and his comments back in the 2001 World Series, when the Yankees were down to the Diamondbacks and Jeter said to Scott Brosius, "This is when the ghosts come out," then Brosius goes and hits the home run.

Well, Ohio Stadium has ghosts too. Those ghosts show up when Chris Gamble picks off a Zack Mills pass, or Will Allen saves the bacon against San Diego State, or Rolle reels off a Pick-2 against Navy. Those ghosts moved the goalposts on Mike Lantry in '74, then helped Nuge drill a 54 yarder to beat Marshall 30 years later.

Well, where the fuck are the ghosts when we're playing Texas or USC?!?!?! :smash:
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This felt to me like the Texas game of 05... which was the start of a pretty amazing run, if I recall.

Two questions- Why didn't we go back to the Saine wheel, and throw to the post route? The safety was rolling over to attack the RB release, and it was there.

2)Why are we slobbering over Barkley's great last drive (ESPN), when it was clearly the McKnight show at the end?

Great time to be a Buckeye, even if frustrating...
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3074326;1539997; said:
He's two games into his sophomore season. He led the Big 10 in QB rating last year as a freshman. It wasn't his night.

Yep. The hype has been too much from the beginning for Pryor. The whole team is young, and they'll only improve. Much like the Texas game in '05, they we're in sync by the 2nd game.

I'm glad they've had a real schedule, unlike other teams. Southern Charleston? Give me a break...
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BuckeyeMike80;1539988; said:

I guess I watched a much different game than some of you people.

BuckeyeMike80;1540006; said:

YOu really need to watch the game if you are going to comment on it :lol:
I did. I counted 5 straight first downs when we ran it for 0-2 yards, wasting a down. Just put us in a hole every time. Or at the very least qb sneak it with your 6'6" QB on goal and 2 to go.
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