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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Especially in the 90's when Cooper could not beat Michigan it was hard as well. My thing is Ohio State can't win the big game but if u look back Oklahoma has not been able to win a big bowl game for awhile if I remember right.
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Nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Just very disappointed, and feeling sorry for our boys. They deserved a better fate. :(
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Buckeye Chris;1539942; said:
Check out Barkley milking more money bu taking that nice slow drink of Gatorade...

All and all, Im not upset, We played a great game with ALOT of new players. Our defense looked amazing, Posey is going to be a stud. The big 10 is slowly building back up its rep, and even though we lost this game, we got alot of credit.

See: Michigan State, Wisconsin

Some of the plays tonight seemed a little bit too conservative. We'll get them next year? Beat Miami!
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adams2311;1539965; said:
Last year when Boeckman got benched and Pryor took over, I was skeptical. After watching this game, I am convinced that Pryor has no business as a quarterback!!! He cannot deliver an accurate football to our receivers. On more than one occasion he threw off his heels instead of stepping into the throw and delivering the football. If it were up to me, I would move Pryor to wide receiver and take advantage of his speed. It is time to give the helm to Bauserman. Pryor's arm isn't going to get it done for us this year. If Pryor remains as quarterback, prepare to be disappointed in November when we play Michigan. Forcier is the real deal and I wish we had him!

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Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

Our defense is going to be great this year, but this offense better step it up. Pryor needs work man. You see glimpses of brilliance and what I dont get is why he cant play that way all the time. He gets nervous and makes mistakes, and he locks in on WR's. He needs to be the leader he says he is and put this offense on his shoulder. Also we need more carries from Saine or Hall at RB. I love Boom, but we need to see multiple backs. Also we need to run more play-action and run effective options.

We are going to win out. We are, but we better win our bowl because I cant take another year of "The Buckeyes cant win the big game" shit.
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Acouple of random thoughts:

1) When you are on the two yard line you should be able to punch it in. Haven't we heard of a QB sneak! USC did it all night long when they needed a yard....

2) Not running the clock out at the end of the 1st half bit us in the ass...

3) TP didn't play his best game but he will learn from this and be better for it....

4) Damn Big Ten refs helping to decide the game by calling international grounding on the last possession, when Barkley could have been called for it 3-4 times during the game.

5) Didn't the band show up! Of couse they did but you would not have known it since ESPN had their freakin' microphones by USC bands...I am tired of the freakin' USC fight song....:(

6) Screw Mark May and his prediction that we would be blown out by 21. We can play with anyone and prove it tonight. Proud of the Bucks as they could have packed it in after the first TD......
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I really think this loss comes down to Tressel's conservatism. Our defense played above itself, and our offense played below itself, and the execution should have been better, but had Tressel gone for it on just one of those 4th down and shorts we may have scored a touchdown and gotten all we needed. Ugh. Can't believe it.
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adams2311;1539965; said:
Last year when Boeckman got benched and Pryor took over, I was skeptical. After watching this game, I am convinced that Pryor has no business as a quarterback!!! He cannot deliver an accurate football to our receivers. On more than one occasion he threw off his heels instead of stepping into the throw and delivering the football. If it were up to me, I would move Pryor to wide receiver and take advantage of his speed. It is time to give the helm to Bauserman. Pryor's arm isn't going to get it done for us this year. If Pryor remains as quarterback, prepare to be disappointed in November when we play Michigan. Forcier is the real deal and I wish we had him!

I'm glad your team beat Notre Dame today. Now go stick your head back up your ass where it just came from.
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NW_Buckeye;1539985; said:
A sad loss, but the team (and crowd) played their hearts out.

Until Tressel hires a real offensive coordinator to call the plays, we're going to get more of the same. I hope this is the FINAL wakeup call.


I guess I watched a much different game than some of you people.
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