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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Dryden;1537453; said:

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Any given Saturday, but my thoughts keep coming back to the USC Oline. I think if they play the game they're capable of (and hopefully O'Dowd is right), I think Ohio State is in for a long night. On obvious passing situations, OSU will be able to pin its ears back (and early in the game, I think SC will just run the ball anyway). But on 1st and 2nd down, a blitz that is capable of still respecting the run may not be as effective at getting by the oline. If SC leaves a back and a TE in to protect, that still gives 3 passing options for Barkley. If OSU isn't able to get pressure from the front four, I think Barkley has a lot of success.

The question then is whether Barkley can make the right decision and throw the ball away when he doesn't have it. He didn't demonstrate that at times in camp, but it's been an emphasis recently and he threw the ball away a couple times against SJSU.

That, of course, covers when Barkley is passing out of the pocket. That didn't happen so much against SJSU, but I think USC may work it in a little more this week. That said, a foundation of SC's offense is still going to be getting Barkley out of the pocket and using misdirection to give him easy passing options (Havili, McCoy, and Ayles) if nothing is doing down field.
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I'm getting more and more confident about this game. What people aren't noticing is that NOT only is Matt Barkley getting his first start in a HOSTILE environment, but 8 defensive starters are also getting their first experience in a big game environment. I also like the fact that many people say that Ohio State doesn't have the fire power. Apparently they haven't become acquainted with Duron Carter... I can honestly see TP looking for Carter and Sanz all night. Enough talk, enough probables... Time for my prediction.

Ohio State 30
USC 24

Bucks D holds off a late last ditch comeback.
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SEREbuckeye;1537441; said:
Then you have reports on USC's practices, their locker speeches, their walk-through's. Give me a [censored] break. I understand they are media darlings, but can we get some good press like that.

It's a natural by-product of having such an open system. Ohio State keeps everything very close to the vest (ha,ha). USC lets everyone watch almost all of their practices, lets the media talk to everyone, etc.

Lack of press can only be blamed on Tressel and the Ohio State way of doing things. USC gets press because they give the press a lot to write about.
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PacificRed;1536986; said:
Hello Scarletngray,

I'm not just blowing smoke. I do this for a living, but the fans in Columbus are so much more educated then most places I visit. "maroon and gold colored glasses" is so creative. (Can I use that) <seriously>.. I was talking to a business lady standing in line getting something to eat and she looked at me and instantly knew I was from Cali. Then she started taking about Eddie George and something esle, but I don't remember, because I was falling in love.

Yes of course he will make some mistakes, as any new employee will. I'm just saying the crowd and enviroment would not have anything to do with it. That young man goes to third world countries and sleep in tents. I don't think a football stadium will have alot of effect on him. EVEN if it is the horseshoe.

Welcome to the site. A small suggestion. Listen, it's really not good to refer to your players as employees. I mean, we know about all the allegations and the payoffs for confidentiality and the like to block NCAA investigations. We get it. But, we think a lot of methomps and he has to work here 365, okay?

As someone who had intimate experience with life in a "third world" country and the Shoe, sounds to me like more than one person will be surprised by the noise at the Shoe.
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