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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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NFBuck;1537156; said:
Wouldn't shock me. I think we'll see the offense mixing it up a lot. JT knows how important this game is.


As the song says "we have to win this game today..." because we all know how things have gone in "big" games since 2006. We have home field, they have a frosh QB, but they're still "USC" so a win means STFU to the talking heads.

Just win, Bucks. :osu2:
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Buckeneye;1537159; said:
1) Girl on the left is pretty fine

2) Where is Barkley's right arm..... ? :slappy:

"Between two pillows!"

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Jaxbuck;1537303; said:
This is a good sign. Its similar to the "fade a taxi driver" school of business and investments.

For those unfamiliar, when you are on a business trip and a taxi driver starts giving you investment or business advice you hear him out, pay attention to what he was telling you to do and first chance you get you go opposite. The idea behind it is by the time the general public is on a trend hard, the trend is already over.

I'm fading the fry girl, big time.

See, this is the reason I prefer Wendy's - they have hotter cashiers. That USC colored clown is creepy.

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Their strength coach gave a motivational speech at the end of their walk-through about Crazy Horse and the Battle of Little Bighorn (Custer's Last Stand). They are expecting a massacre. Let the Buckeyes give them one. Please let us see Evil Jim Tressel make an appearance.
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I was feeling real confident about this game because I felt like Barkley would probably be confused and distracted by playing in front of the home crowd in the Shoe. But after seeing this picture


I've got to admit that I'm a bit worried. Barkely looks very attentive. He looks poised, confident, and ready to go. He looks like a hardened veteran already. I thought he'd freeze up, but it's now clear that his blood is flowing freely, and that there will be no let down. I knew all along he was a vivacious, spunky, potent young man, but he really does look up for this game. I expected he might be able to last awhile--perhaps into the second quarter--but I thought eventually we'd be able to wear him out. Now I'm just not so sure; he looks like a four-quarter, every-down kind of man. It certainly doesn't appear he'll suffer from any stage fright, and we all know that the rest of the Trojan offense is anything but impotent. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if the University of Southern California one day erects a monument in his honor.

Despite my reservations, I'm hoping for the best. Go BUCKS!
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sammyjenkis;1537434; said:
Their strength coach gave a motivational speech at the end of their walk-through about Crazy Horse and the Battle of Little Bighorn (Custer's Last Stand). They are expecting a massacre. Let the Buckeyes give them one. Please let us see Evil Jim Tressel make an appearance.

I just cant wait for the clock to hit 0. Im SO [censored] sick of hearing about USC 's "phenominal freshman QB". JESUS EFFING CHRIST! This kid has played one game and he's annointed royalty.

Then you have USC in a rebuilding year, yet everyone expects them to just kill us in an away game! We bring back a good QB that has played in big games - USC, Texas, PSU, Michigan - yet he isn't as highly rated as Barkley? WTF?

Then you have reports on USC's practices, their locker speeches, their walk-through's. Give me a [censored] break. I understand they are media darlings, but can we get some good press like that.

The end of this week will be awesome in its own right.

Go Bucks :oh:
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