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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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ttk;1537118; said:
Haha, here's a great one for you guys.



1) Girl on the left is pretty fine

2) Where is Barkley's right arm..... ? :slappy:
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Gatorubet;1537112; said:
Sadly, I won't be able to see the Buckeye victory Saturday, and the USC boards melt down while Mark May gibbers stupid reasons why Pryor's 356 yards were "lucky", as I will be soaking wet in 90% chance of rain weather at a Mississippi state park with my scout troop - with no alcohol.

Just kill me.:sob:

I hope you are bringing Mocha with you.....
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redzone execution

Which is exactly why the O-line must step up and execute in those situations. No false starts, no holding, no sacks/minus yardage plays, especially on first down in the red zone. As stated by Tresselbeliever, the Bucks need to convert on these opportunities, especially early in the game. Another thing that I'll be watching is tOSU defense on first down. If USC is looking at a lot of short yardage situations on second and third downs, it's going to be tough to get off of the field. Every play is big, but if they can put the SC offense in some bad down and distance situations, the chances of creating a turnover should increase. Should be interesting to see JT vs Carroll when the Bucks have the ball, and Heacock vs Bates when SC has the ball.
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I have a feeling this game is going to come down to how well we make adjustments. It seemed to me that in our "big game' losses, this has plagued us, while our opponents have thrived. We got this shit. Let it all hang out!!

Go Bucks!!

P.S. When we win my 45 dollar ticket to the Toledo game is going to be a steal!!
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Used my OSU-NAVY McDs french fry coupons a little while ago. Employees were talking about the game. One girl (Let's assume she represents all of the ignorant people) said "You guys are so dumb. They (OSU) are going to lose anyway. Just like they did last year and almost last week."

So she thinks because OSU lost last year, they are doomed to lose again this year. By that logic, once you lose a game to someone, you can never win again. or vice versa. Completely different teams imho.

Which is also why all the posts about stats and trends from USC-OSU teams 5-20 years ago mean crap. "Teams of the Decade" have to come down off the pedistal sometime. Just ask Miami. Same goes for streaks and records. Navy toyed with ruining the Opening game win-streak. Just because OSU beats up freshman and prodigy QBs at OSU stadium, doesn't mean it will continue...

...but it will tomorrow. Hope barktree stays so rattled and pressured that he makes big mistakes.
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As MJ said tonight in his Hall of Fame induction speech....(and I'm paraphrasing)

He said that Tex Winter said to him "You know, there is no I in team."

MJ said back: "No, but there is an I in 'win'"

In as much as we've seen TP take over this team with a level of maturity and humility that is surprising given his age, if he takes it upon himself to take this game over and show his teammates that they can indeed play with anyone, USC included, things will be good.

They may not win tomorrow, but if he takes the game over I think win or lose Ohio State will be just fine.
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Gothmog8;1537220; said:
Used my OSU-NAVY McDs french fry coupons a little while ago. Employees were talking about the game. One girl (Let's assume she represents all of the ignorant people) said "You guys are so dumb. They (OSU) are going to lose anyway. Just like they did last year and almost last week."

This is a good sign. Its similar to the "fade a taxi driver" school of business and investments.

For those unfamiliar, when you are on a business trip and a taxi driver starts giving you investment or business advice you hear him out, pay attention to what he was telling you to do and first chance you get you go opposite. The idea behind it is by the time the general public is on a trend hard, the trend is already over.

I'm fading the fry girl, big time.
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