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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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PacificRed;1536946; said:
Beannie could of made huge differance in the game or a very small differance, but we will never know... But it is fair to say that it is always better to have all your weapons when you are heading into a war..

Hello Buckeye World,

I'm a Cali Blogger who just arrived in your great city of Columbus. I just want to really say; that the passion in this city for OSU lives up to its rep. The sea of red EVERYWHERE is so unreal.. I am a Los Angeles native, but I'm from NY. It's so suprising to me when I hear other states/cities become so surprised on how well USC plays nonconference games. I guess you have to leave there to understand. Sports in general in Cali are HUGE. The Trojans are invited to every party/club that the Lakers attend. Believe it or not if Matt B. wanted to go the playboy big house with Lamor Odom and Artest or to the Grammy's with a super model it will probably happen.

I'm sorry to tell you, but please be warned that the young QB for USC is going to shock the red out of you. I'm not saying he's Carson or Favre or that he would not make any mistakes. I am just saying he will be prepared and ready to handle and embrass the moment. If he makes mistakes it will not be because hes a freshman it will be because the buckeye d made a play.

I don't doubt it. Agents are buying houses for the guys so why not take them to the best parties?
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PacificRed;1536986; said:
Hello Scarletngray,

I'm not just blowing smoke. I do this for a living, but the fans in Columbus are so much more educated then most places I visit. "maroon and gold colored glasses" is so creative. (Can I use that) <seriously>.. I was talking to a business lady standing in line getting something to eat and she looked at me and instantly knew I was from Cali. Then she started taking about Eddie George and something esle, but I don't remember, because I was falling in love.

Yes of course he will make some mistakes, as any new employee will. I'm just saying the crowd and enviroment would not have anything to do with it. That young man goes to third world countries and sleep in tents. I don't think a football stadium will have alot of effect on him. EVEN if it is the horseshoe.

Pacific - FYI, I have lived in California most of my life. I lived in Southern CA for over 20 yrs. I've been to the Coliseum and the Rose Bowl. I'm very familiar with USC and respect what PC has done with the program. The crowds MB has faced will be nothing compared to what he will experience at the 'Shoe on Saturday night. If it doesn't rattle his cage a bit, he will be the first.

BTW - I am glad that you admitted Barkley is an employee of USC. :biggrin:

Also, at first you said that MB won't make mistakes because he is a freshman and now you are saying that he won't make mistakes due to the crowd noise and environment. Try to say consistent with your perceived "smoke blowing" comments.

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PacificRed;1536986; said:
Hello Scarletngray,

I'm not just blowing smoke. I do this for a living, but the fans in Columbus are so much more educated then most places I visit. "maroon and gold colored glasses" is so creative. (Can I use that) <seriously>.. I was talking to a business lady standing in line getting something to eat and she looked at me and instantly knew I was from Cali. Then she started taking about Eddie George and something esle, but I don't remember, because I was falling in love.

Yes of course he will make some mistakes, as any new employee will. I'm just saying the crowd and enviroment would not have anything to do with it. That young man goes to third world countries and sleep in tents. I don't think a football stadium will have alot of effect on him. EVEN if it is the horseshoe.

EMPLOYEE. That's very fitting.:biggrin:
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I really love this town.

I'm not taking anything from Jim Tressel (he is one of the best ever). I love to hear him talk about football.
If I lived in a cold weather area. I would pick him before any other coach pro or college.

I am also so excited to walk inside the horseshoe. That is why I'm here. Yes I am a Trojan homer, but I'm still an adult. A grown man. I'm not going to name any names, but there is a way to have a discussion and a way just to act like an immature kid. I don't care where you?re from Cali, Ohio, Canada, Mexico, or Asia. A punk is a punk. I'm saying that to all of the amazing, passionate, respectable fans, just that one.
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I'm not taking anything from Jim Tressel (he is one of the best ever). I love to hear him talk about football.
If I lived in a cold weather area. I would pick him before any other coach pro or college.

I am also so excited to walk inside the horseshoe. That is why I'm here. Yes I am a Trojan homer, but I'm still an adult. A grown man. I'm not going to name any names, but there is a way to have a discussion and a way just to act like an immature kid. I don't care where you?re from Cali, Ohio, Canada, Mexico, or Asia. A punk is a punk. I'm saying that to all of the amazing, passionate, respectable fans, just that one.
what if I'm from PA?
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PacificRed;1537009; said:
I'm not taking anything from Jim Tressel (he is one of the best ever). I love to hear him talk about football.
If I lived in a cold weather area. I would pick him before any other coach pro or college.

I am also so excited to walk inside the horseshoe. That is why I'm here. Yes I am a Trojan homer, but I'm still an adult. A grown man. I'm not going to name any names, but there is a way to have a discussion and a way just to act like an immature kid. I don't care where you?re from Cali, Ohio, Canada, Mexico, or Asia. A punk is a punk. I'm saying that to all of the amazing, passionate, respectable fans, just that one.

You mean like some fan boy who thinks the football players going to the playboy mansion is the best EVAH!!??

Spare me the internet tough guy routine.
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BUCKYLE;1536752; said:
I called a random phone number in southern california last night. Dude answered, said "hello". I said "you a trojan fan"?. "Yeah". Then I rubbed the phone on my beard. He started crying and I'm pretty sure he shot himself in the face.

That was you? My neighbor shot himself yesterday...

Good news- he was a Trojan fan.
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I've done surprising well in the days and weeks leading up to tomorrow's game. In fact, I've been purposely avoiding BP in order to focus on work and family stuff lately. Happily, work and family are doing well and it's finally getting on towards game day. The real game day. Not Navy, no disrespect, but c'mon, we didn't think about the Navy game for the past 12 mos. It's time for a rematch. Time to settle the score on our turf. My focus on other things has pretty much vaporized.

I have some trepidation. I've grow accustomed to let downs in the past few years. But I'm so proud to be a fan of a team that consistently puts itself in contention. While it's tiresome to be the target of so much bashing by the 'pundits', they wouldn't be talking about us if we weren't relevant. I've pretty much ignored ESPiN news/commentary shows since the whole MC saga, so it's easy for me to dismiss the d-bags when I'm not watching them.

For all of you that are going to be in Ohio Stadium tomorrow - carry the torch. Don't let up. Make a lot of noise - you can and do make a difference. Don't let any USC big plays take you out of it - that will surely be their plan. Get fired up - and pace yourselves! 8 PM is well past happy hour!

Keep the faith everyone! Get those lucky jerseys and necklaces out! Practice those pregame rituals! Get fired up! This is one of those games that will be remembered for years. It's time to exact some revenge. It's time to show 'em what we're made of.


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