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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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PacificRed;1537009; said:
... A grown man. I'm not going to name any names, but there is a way to have a discussion and a way just to act like an immature kid. I don't care where you?re from Cali, Ohio, Canada, Mexico, or Asia. A punk is a punk. I'm saying that to all of the amazing, passionate, respectable fans, just that one.

If i said "Hey PacificRed....lick my taint!"

would that be immature?
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Am I the only one that wouldn't want Matt Barkley injured going into this game? Then that would give USC an escape, and the excuses would roll in if they were to lose. Especially since I want to see ol "Stone Face" walk into the 'Shoe and not be phased by the crowd... Now if it were Corp or Mustain going down, I'm cool with it! :biggrin:
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